Tuesday, January 8, 2019


January 8, 2019

Genesis 18:16-33, 19, Matthew 6:25-7:14, Psalm 8:1-9, Proverbs 2:6-15

Who is God? What is He like? I have shared in past blogs that for many years I taught first grade Sunday School at my old church in Albuquerque. We used a Desiring God curriculum from John Piper and the very first lesson for these 6 and 7 year olds was based on the letter Q: Questions. These were the two questions we would explore and answer through the course of the year based on the scriptures and stories we read. These are the questions I still ask and seek to answer as I read through the Word. True intimacy and a relationship will then occur.

We see many attributes or characteristics of God in these passages. We see in Genesis he is Almighty, a Judge, and a Punisher through the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the same light we can also see He is Merciful, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it." (Gen. 18:32). We see His patience as Abraham 'negotiates' his plan of destruction down from 50 to ten.

Matthew has so many nuggets and goodies, it's hard to write about one. We see from Jesus's words that God the Father is Provider. He provides for the birds, the animals, and most importantly to us. He is In Control. He sees all and knows all...before we ask or even know what's good for us! <phew...so why do I worry?? Seriously...why?> He is Father...Abba...Daddy. As a Father provides, he does.

In Psalm 8 the chapter opens and closes with the same words, "Majestic!" He is Creator, All-Powerful over all the Earth and rulers (even the ones today...don't forget that!) He is also a Planner and Ruler of man: he created man with the purpose of being a steward over the land and beasts.

In that same breath, Solomon writes in Proverbs that God is the Giver of Wisdom, Speaker of Understanding, Knowledge, and a Protector or Shield for us. He is so many things. I see this list of attributes and think of all the things I am not...yet He is also Love...and loves me. We have a great and mighty God. I pray that I crave Him more.

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