Friday, January 4, 2019

January 4

"Come, follow me." Matthew 4:19

That simple phrase is the most powerful teaching tool in the world. It is also a phrase that Christians have neglected and made obsolete over the past generations. In these few simple words lie hidden the greatest opportunity for the future; I would even say the only hope for our country.  Jesus is the ultimate rabbi. He is not only our Savior but also our example. He is "the WAY, the truth and the life" and as such he shows us "the way" to live life.

To become a rabbi, you start by memorizing the Torah (The first five books of the OT) as a child. Then, at age 12, you would either go into the family business or take the pathway of a disciple. This pathway would be to memorize the rest of the OT and later to attach yourself to a rabbi and learn firsthand how to live "the WAY."   Jesus clearly uses this process and establishes it as his model for his future followers.

To "follow the way" of the rabbi you would not meet in a classroom once week;life was the curriculum. It was a way of life. You would live with the rabbi for three years observing and ultimately imitating his way of life. The idea that we can produce disciples by meeting for a worship service once a week is seriously flawed. The early disciples did life together. We need to be creative in thinking through this process in 2019.

A disciple had to forsake everything to follow the rabbi. We also must leave everything to follow rabbi Jesus. The call is nothing but a radical forsaking of everything this life has to offer us. We can't serve Jesus and anything else. This automatically knocks out the excuse, "I don't have time."

Finally, the rabbinic teaching model emphasizes obedience above knowledge. The goal is not to acquire information but to achieve a transformed life. To be honest with you, I know far more than I obey.

As we start this new year, I encourage you to invite Jesus to be your rabbi and teach you his ways. And once you have learned from him, invite others to "Come, follow you as you follow Jesus."

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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