Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Jan. 23

Matthew 15

Way back in Leviticus 10:10, God told the people of Israel that they were to make a distinction between the holy and the common and between the unclean and the clean.  God then went on to outline dietary laws in chapter 11 of the same book, which became part of their religion and traditions. Growing up, bacon and shellfish were never eaten in my grandmother's house, cheese was never put on a burger, and meat and fish were served on separate sets of dishes.  When my grandmother came to eat at our house, she only ate off paper plates, and all food was bought from the Kosher butcher.  Religion and tradition, but no relationship with God outside of the Torah reading.  I believe that what Jesus is teaching in Matthew 15 is that the true distinction between unclean and clean, holy and common, is not defined by what you put in your mouth, but rather what comes out of your mouth which reveals the condition of your heart. Remember, Jesus told us that he didn't come to abolish the law, He came to fulfill it (Mat. 5:17) So He wasn't negating the Kosher dietary regulations, He was revealing to the Pharisees that the holiness and cleanliness they were so desperately trying achieve just wasn't going to come from the food they were eating, or if they washed their hands before they ate it. As a matter of fact he told them that on account of their tradition, they had made void the very word of God. Jesus goes on to explain that it's the evil thoughts, slander, and false witness that make us unclean. Keeping your hands clean and keeping your heart clean are two different things.  I don't know this for sure, but being a Rabbi, Jesus most likely followed the dietary laws laid out in Leviticus 11, as did His disciples, (they were all Jewish), but He wanted them to see beyond the Torah and see the God revealed to them in the very Scriptures they were reading. (Col. 1:15)  In summary, enjoy what you eat today, and remember, Purell will keep your hands clean, only Jesus can purify your heart.


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