Friday, July 27, 2018

July 27

July 27, 2018

2 Chronicles 20

    In the book Point Man, Steve Farrar tells the story of George McCluskey. When McCluskey married and started a family, he decided to invest one hour a day in prayer, because he wanted his kids to follow Christ. After a time, he expanded his prayers to include his grandchildren and great grandchildren. Every day between 11:00 and noon, he prayed for the next three generations.  

    As the years went by, his two daughters committed their lives to Christ and married men who went into full-time ministry. The two couples produced four girls and one boy. Each of the girls married a minister, and the boy became a pastor. The first 2 children born to this generation were both boys. Upon graduation from high school, the two cousins chose the same college and became roommates. During their sophomore year, one boy decided to go into the ministry. The other didn't. He undoubtedly felt some pressure to continue the family legacy, but he chose instead to pursue his interest in psychology.

    He earned his doctorate and eventually wrote books for parents that became bestsellers. He started a radio program heard on thousands of radio stations each day. The man's name? James Dobson.  Through his prayers, George McCluskey affected far more than one family. His prayers impacted a nation.

    In our reading today, we see the most unlikely man to impact a nation, King Jehoshaphat.  Some of us are slow learners. King Jehoshaphat fits into that category. He tried to do what was right, but he was very naïve and easily distracted. Four times he was censured by God's prophets because of his ungodly alliances. Yet, when it was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs, King Jehoshaphat stepped up to the plate and hit a grand slam. What did he do? He prayed. His prayer is based on the promises of God and the honor of God's name. And through this prayer a whole nation was impacted.

    If there was ever a time for us to pray, it is today. Our kids are falling away from the faith in record numbers. The church has compromised the truth. Our nation is dangerously divided, and public officials are even encouraging acts of hostility toward those who disagree with us. Where do we turn against these forces?

    Our only hope is found in 2 Chronicles 20:12, "For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you."

    It is time to pray.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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