Monday, July 16, 2018

Aimee Spencer Blog Post 7-16-18

The following was writing by Aimee Spencer I am posting it on her behalf. I pray you are blessed by it as much as I

Todays Versus:

1 Chronicles 22:1-23:32

Romans 3:9-31

Psalm 12:1-8

Proverbs 19:13-14

As we look at todays versus we see God is always there; past, present and future. Do we tend to get distracted by the things we think we need and not what's Gods Purpose is for us? 

God is with us every step of the way, you just have to devote your heart and soul to seek the Lord your God and everything you do be to the Glory of God. In Romans 3:9-18 Paul writes that no one is righteous and that as humans we are destined to sin and fall short without the Righteousness of God but through Faith, righteousness can be obtained by Jesus Christ to all those who believe. In Versus:22-26 Paul also writes that Jews and Gentiles are both sinful and we are justified Freely by his Grace through redemption as Jesus' death paid for our sins. By Grace we are justified by faith and our sins are fully atoned, this shows us the magnitude of Grace and Love God has for his children

"I use to carry the weight of all my sin and shame and I started to become an outcast feeling, lonely and heavy with emotion, I started separating myself from those who I love, until I could no longer bear the weight of my transgressions and opened the gates to my heart and gave all my burdens and worries to Jesus and by the Grace of God I was set free."

In Psalm 12:1-8 David describes the feeling of looking around and seeing how much the World has deteriorated into a sorry state and how he feels alone in his commitment to God. Living in a deceitful world can be lonelyand difficult but we are never alone in our battle against evil. In versus 12:2-4 we may be tempted to believe that some lies are harmless but God does not overlook deceit and flattery, each sin comes from a bad attitude and is expressed in our speech. The tongue is our greatest enemy be careful how you use yours. When we feel as though sincerity and truth have nearly gone out of existence, we have one hope and that is God's Word. God's word is as flawless and pure, so we must listen carefully as he speaks to us through the word. In Proverbs 19:13:14 it also says that contentment within the home must be a cooperative effort as one person can create misery for all others.

"Father I pray that we acknowledge the increase of faithless people around us and "Gather, Grow and Go", I pray we have the Wisdom to know that we cannot face our Trials and tribulations on our own and that our burdens are too heavy to carry on our own. I pray that our eyes do not wonder but stay fixated on you Lord and that we are not alone in our commitment to you Lord but as Children of God we can come together and help one another and worship you, Father I Pray that families are able to Worship you together and that they seek you whole heartedly. So I Pray that as we start this week we confide in you Lord with whatever it is that we are facing and that we speak the Fruits of the spirit. Pray this in Jesus name, Amen."


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