Monday, July 30, 2018

Blog Post Monday July 30th

A Prayer To Unmask The Faces Of Fear And Silence It's Lies  (Psalm 23)

Lord I know that fear is a struggle we all face.  Sometimes we may not recognize our fear because we've blindly disguised it in anger, indifference, busyness, indecision, procrastination, inability, self preservation, doubt or even laziness.  No matter how fear hides itself in our lives it's usually a result of uncertainty, when our seemingly straight path takes a turn and we find ourselves faced with something we had not seen on the horizon of our lives and would rather not have to face.  But, you Lord, are never taken by surprise.  You Lord are always fully in control,  You Lord are a good, gracious, loving and comforting God, ALWAYS.  You do not change, ever, but when circumstances do we mistake that as a change in who you are, in your control, even in your love for us.  Those changes often strip down the illusion that we are in control and we are faced with the reality that we have little control and we don't like that Lord, it scares us.  This is when and where we need you most. 

Lord help us!  Help us to see and face our fear and not allow it to masquerade itself as something else.  Help us not to fear uncertainty or the unknown but to let go of the grip of control we desperately cling to in our lives and surrender to you our Lord and Shepherd.  Fear lies Lord, help us to recognize those lies and trust you, follow you, and find comfort in you.  Fear stifles, it desires to keep us where we are or moving backwards.  It is not productive but destructive Lord.  In you is truth if we are willing to trust you, to trust the all knowing, all loving Shepherd with our lives.  Psalm 23 is a beautiful reminder of who you are and what it looks like to abandon fear and all its masks.  It is a needed reminder of why we need to walk after you in faith and trust and the beauty that can be discovered in you despite what our circumstances might look like.

Lord, I ask that your spirit would reveal to each and every one of us today the masquerades of fear in our lives.  I ask that your spirit would help us to see how fear hinders us in our relationship with you and in our trust and surrender.  I ask that you help us to release the grip of control we like to try and hold on our lives.  Then, Lord, I ask that your spirit would work to help us silence the lies of fear and take the steps we need to take to surrender to you and to trust you as our Shepherd who truly does love us.  We need you, Lord, always.  Help us to fear nothing because we unmistakably know you are with us ALWAYS.


If you have not read Psalm 23 I encourage you to do so and let it sit as an encouragement to trust the Lord ALWAYS!  You will find a link below

The following is a good song to sing to remind us that fear is steeped in lies we choose to listen to.  Let us silence those lies so that we are able to hear the truth.

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