Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bible Blog Post

Growing up, my mum taught me and my siblings to be very careful before we spoke when it came to talking to others. She said we needed to ask the questions:

1   Is what you have to say true?

2   Is what you have to say necessary?

3   Is what you have to say out of love?

This is something that has stuck with me for decades. It is a great way for me to check myself if I am questioning whether I should say something. It is part of developing healthy relationships. This kind of thinking can be a part of building each other up (mutual edification) that we read about in Romans 14:19.

In this day and age, people are judged on a daily basis, multiple times a day. Judgment can lead to people developing self esteem issues, mental health issues, and other serious long term problems. We need to stop judging each other. We should do/say/eat what we feel is right before the Lord, and not impose that on anyone else. Some things are right for one person and not necessarily right for another, so no one needs to judge another. We should ask ourselves before speaking and judging: "is it necessary?" Is it really so important that something needs to be said?

One of my old pastors often says "Let's major on the majors and minor on the minors". One of the majors is that we have our security and identity in Christ. Whether we live or we die we belong to him. We should stand firm in our faith and the knowledge that we belong to him. If we belong to Christ, then we should be a reflection of His love for us and others. Let's not get caught up in judgment over issues that don't matter, but let's demonstrate love, truth, and helpfulness through our words and actions.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Blog Post Monday July 30th

A Prayer To Unmask The Faces Of Fear And Silence It's Lies  (Psalm 23)

Lord I know that fear is a struggle we all face.  Sometimes we may not recognize our fear because we've blindly disguised it in anger, indifference, busyness, indecision, procrastination, inability, self preservation, doubt or even laziness.  No matter how fear hides itself in our lives it's usually a result of uncertainty, when our seemingly straight path takes a turn and we find ourselves faced with something we had not seen on the horizon of our lives and would rather not have to face.  But, you Lord, are never taken by surprise.  You Lord are always fully in control,  You Lord are a good, gracious, loving and comforting God, ALWAYS.  You do not change, ever, but when circumstances do we mistake that as a change in who you are, in your control, even in your love for us.  Those changes often strip down the illusion that we are in control and we are faced with the reality that we have little control and we don't like that Lord, it scares us.  This is when and where we need you most. 

Lord help us!  Help us to see and face our fear and not allow it to masquerade itself as something else.  Help us not to fear uncertainty or the unknown but to let go of the grip of control we desperately cling to in our lives and surrender to you our Lord and Shepherd.  Fear lies Lord, help us to recognize those lies and trust you, follow you, and find comfort in you.  Fear stifles, it desires to keep us where we are or moving backwards.  It is not productive but destructive Lord.  In you is truth if we are willing to trust you, to trust the all knowing, all loving Shepherd with our lives.  Psalm 23 is a beautiful reminder of who you are and what it looks like to abandon fear and all its masks.  It is a needed reminder of why we need to walk after you in faith and trust and the beauty that can be discovered in you despite what our circumstances might look like.

Lord, I ask that your spirit would reveal to each and every one of us today the masquerades of fear in our lives.  I ask that your spirit would help us to see how fear hinders us in our relationship with you and in our trust and surrender.  I ask that you help us to release the grip of control we like to try and hold on our lives.  Then, Lord, I ask that your spirit would work to help us silence the lies of fear and take the steps we need to take to surrender to you and to trust you as our Shepherd who truly does love us.  We need you, Lord, always.  Help us to fear nothing because we unmistakably know you are with us ALWAYS.


If you have not read Psalm 23 I encourage you to do so and let it sit as an encouragement to trust the Lord ALWAYS!  You will find a link below


The following is a good song to sing to remind us that fear is steeped in lies we choose to listen to.  Let us silence those lies so that we are able to hear the truth.


Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 28: No Pro Quo for the Quid

2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21

Romans 11:13-36

Psalm 22:1-18

Proverbs 20:7

Romans 11:35: Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?

I have been blessed in my 52 years to have been the recipient of so many kindnesses of such magnitude that I could never hope to repay the people who did them.  Some of those kindnesses were immediately apparent, as was the case thrice, when I watched my wife give birth to our children.  Watching her labor, I thought to myself there was nothing I could possibly do that would fully reciprocate what she had just put herself through, not just for our children, but for me; and not just once, not twice, but thrice.  

Some of those kindnesses are NOT as apparent, particularly to a selfish know-it-all child who thought the world rightfully revolved around his needs and wants.  It was only after having put my parents through so much (for horror stories, talk to my mother; for the cliff notes version, talk to my kids, for whom these stories about their father's mishaps are consistent highlights of their visits with their grandparents) AND having kids of my own that it began to dawn on me how much they had sacrificed and suffered for me.  

I cannot repay my wife for giving birth.  I cannot repay my parents for having raised me.  There is nothing I could give that could possibly begin to equal what they had done for me.  There is no quid pro quo.  

The scripture reading above (taken from Job, actually) tells us the same is true between us and God.  It is impossible for us to get into a quid pro quo relationship with Him.  What He has done for us, what He has given us - everything, in fact, that we might give back to Him, but our own free will - it is impossible to repay Him in kind.  

This is something Paul has been harping on in his letter to the Roman church, whose members appeared to believe a relationship with God was transactional - I do this, God does that; I quid, He pro quos.  I do something for God, He is obliged to reciprocate; He is obliged to give me salvation.  Paul says that that is wrong - going back a chapter, he contrasts the futility of the righteousness of Mosaic law - "The man who does these things will live by them" - with righteousness by faith - "that if you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved", and "anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame". 

Father, in this context, two things we pray: first, that You open our eyes, ears and hearts to the enormity of Your love for us, impossible to repay; and that You give us the faith that does not seek to reciprocate, but instead responds, by saying and living that Jesus is Lord.  

Friday, July 27, 2018

July 27

July 27, 2018

2 Chronicles 20

    In the book Point Man, Steve Farrar tells the story of George McCluskey. When McCluskey married and started a family, he decided to invest one hour a day in prayer, because he wanted his kids to follow Christ. After a time, he expanded his prayers to include his grandchildren and great grandchildren. Every day between 11:00 and noon, he prayed for the next three generations.  

    As the years went by, his two daughters committed their lives to Christ and married men who went into full-time ministry. The two couples produced four girls and one boy. Each of the girls married a minister, and the boy became a pastor. The first 2 children born to this generation were both boys. Upon graduation from high school, the two cousins chose the same college and became roommates. During their sophomore year, one boy decided to go into the ministry. The other didn't. He undoubtedly felt some pressure to continue the family legacy, but he chose instead to pursue his interest in psychology.

    He earned his doctorate and eventually wrote books for parents that became bestsellers. He started a radio program heard on thousands of radio stations each day. The man's name? James Dobson.  Through his prayers, George McCluskey affected far more than one family. His prayers impacted a nation.

    In our reading today, we see the most unlikely man to impact a nation, King Jehoshaphat.  Some of us are slow learners. King Jehoshaphat fits into that category. He tried to do what was right, but he was very naïve and easily distracted. Four times he was censured by God's prophets because of his ungodly alliances. Yet, when it was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs, King Jehoshaphat stepped up to the plate and hit a grand slam. What did he do? He prayed. His prayer is based on the promises of God and the honor of God's name. And through this prayer a whole nation was impacted.

    If there was ever a time for us to pray, it is today. Our kids are falling away from the faith in record numbers. The church has compromised the truth. Our nation is dangerously divided, and public officials are even encouraging acts of hostility toward those who disagree with us. Where do we turn against these forces?

    Our only hope is found in 2 Chronicles 20:12, "For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you."

    It is time to pray.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, July 26


"But what does it say? 'The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,' that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim:  If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.  As Scripture says, 'Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.'  For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'" (Romans 10:8-13)

Have you felt overwhelmed this week?  Do you feel overwhelmed right now?  The central message of the Gospel—that God gave His only Son so that we may life through faith—speaks into that moment of being overwhelmed.  The secure hope of the Gospel—that, despite our sin, God's salvation stands on His promise—can carry us through those moments and bring peace. (Romans 5:1)

While feeling overwhelmed with many responsibilities, I also am overwhelmed by God's grace.  His calling for my life—that I would be an ambassador for Christ—guides my steps, but, even with a knowledge of His purpose, the volume can become overwhelming.  Through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, I trust God to carry me through these moments of overcapacity. (Philippians 4:13; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 2:8-10)

Have you felt ashamed of your past or present?  In the light of the Gospel, that shame dissipates with the knowledge that God casts away our eternal shame and gives us eternal hope.  When I focus on today's feelings of insecurity, lack of acceptance, or insignificance, I have turned my focus from the eternal to the temporal.  Our identity in Christ rests firmly on His promises, and it guarantees that the Christ-follower will "never be put to shame."

These meditations point out that, while you may have called on God for your salvation at one moment in the past, we must continue to call upon Him and remember His eternal promise to live a victorious life today.  May we seek Him above the noise of voices that want to pin us with shame and confusion.

Lord God, we desperately need You.  We thank You that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  We thank You that our security, acceptance, and significance lie in Your precious promises and that You have given us Your Spirit.  We confess our weakness and our tendency to live in our own power rather than Yours.  Strengthen us today to live victoriously and cognizant of our freedom from shame.  In Jesus's mighty Name, amen.

"Jesus, I Need You":  https://g.co/kgs/6BRv7b

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25

Psalm 19

David never even knew the Apostle Paul, but from the first verse of this Psalm through to the end, David brings Paul's verse in Romans 1:20 to life:  "For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky.  Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature."  Now, take a moment to read the Psalm again.  "The heavens proclaim the glory of God" (v.1). When we look around us, we must realize that everything created is evidence that Someone must have created it! The beauty, intricacy and interdependence of nature could not have "just happened".  However, just to recognize the artwork around us is not enough to know God.  In verses 7-8 of the Psalm, David tells us that "the instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.  The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart.  The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living."  The direction is clear, we've got to not only look around and look up to recognize and know God, we have to get into the Word of God as well.  It was all divinely designed to  work together. Lord, I pray we all see the divine beauty of Your creation, and Your hand guiding us through it.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday Blog Post July 23rd

A Prayer Of Remembrance Of Who God Is So Our Hearts May Be Encouraged To Walk In The Path Set Before Us Today (Psalm 18:16-36)

I thank you Lord, for being a God who sees us, who is looking upon us and intervening and giving aide and instruction always.  You are faithful, blameless and pure in your holiness.  When our hearts are humble before you, you are there to raise us up and save us from whatever we may be in or that lies before us and sometimes behind us.  You are the only true source of light in the darkness.  It is you who helps keeps the light of truth, the light of hope, the light of peace shinning in our hearts and lives when the darkness of struggles, hurts, discontentment, or frustration seeks to settle into our hearts and blind us from seeing and experiencing you.  It is you Lord who enables us with strength and the ability to fight against the enemy, to advance and not remain stagnant and stuck.  You equip us to succeed in things we did not think we were capable of doing.  Your way is perfect and flawless even when we can't always understand it or it seems a hard path to take.  When we see you for who you are, when we trust you in who you have proven yourself to be, you become a shield of protection for us, there is none other, none like you Lord.  In that place of safety we are able to find the strength to walk or perhaps run on paths you have set before us.  In that place of safety we are able to see that the path unknown before us is a perfect path in which you will be with us every step of the way.  You give us all we need to endure, thrive, grow, and emerge victorious.  You are not a God who merely puts up with us but you are our God, our Father who delights in us.  What a blessing to know that when we need you, when we seek you, we do not seek a God who begrudgingly steps into our lives but we seek you, our God and Father, who takes pleasure in being with us always and helping us along every tiny or big step we take on the perfect path you have set before us.  There truly is none other like you and our hearts are full and blessed to ponder these things today.  May we not forget, may we not be distracted from seeing and remembering these things, may we not question if they are truths for us but may your spirit fill us and remind us continually who you are, always, no matter what we may do or think.


Sunday, July 22, 2018

July 22, 2018


"The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me.; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him into his ears." Psalm 18: 4-6

This Psalm really hit home for me. The other day I had a close encounter with death. I almost got hit by a car. I don't know if the driver was drunk, on drugs or maybe texting. Whatever the reason, she lost control of the car and came straight towards me. The car changed the direction, just as I was sure that the collision was inevitable. It was God's hand that protected me.

I walked away sobbing. I was suddenly so aware of how fragile life is, how everything can change in a split second, but also how good the Lord is. I was humbled and grateful for his mercy and protection. This world feels so unsafe at times. It is indeed a war zone, but we are called to live boldly.  "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour". 1 Peter 5:8 Satan might target our physical bodies, our families, our health, our finances but the victory belongs to Jesus. "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross". Col. 2:15. "Take heart, I have overcome the world!" John 16:33

We are called to keep pressing forward. It's more tempting to build a protection wall around, just to have the illusion of safety, and the comfort of "that will never happen to me again". The problem with the human safety plan is that the walls become lonely prisons. The only safe place is in the Lord. "They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city". Acts 14:19-20 Who in the right mind would do that? Who would want to return to a place where one was stoned to death? We as Christians we are called to do just that. No matter how unsafe, how painful or scary it might be, we need to never give up.  We are not alone! We walk in victory! Our God is a God that hears our voices, our cries. "I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies" Psalm 18:3. He is the God of unfailing love.  "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" Isaiah 49:15

I love you, O Lord, my strength. Ps 18:1


Saturday, July 21, 2018

July 21: Of Clint Eastwood and Limitations

2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11

Romans 7:1-13

Psalm 17:1-15

Proverbs 19:22-23

"The fear of the Lord leads to life;

   then one rests content, untouched by trouble."

In today's context, fear has connotations different from what is meant in today's proverb.  Better, perhaps, "knowledge", "awareness", even "reverence".  

But as I've said before, knowledge and awareness, perhaps even reverence - they are all transformative. One cannot really know something without having that knowledge change them.  An example: my sons would leave the door to the basement wide open at night and, as I walked from kitchen to stairs to go to bed, I would hit my head on the bloody door.  And it would hurt.  After that happened once or twice, I came to know the Dore was likely ajar, and I would turn the lights on rather than walk in the dark.  

The knowledge of God changes us. It constrains our actions, it reorients our desires.  And to many, that is a problem.  They don't want to have to change what they do.  They want the "freedom" to enjoy themselves doing whatever the heck they want to do, and no buttinskies from anyone.  Anyone notice those people rarely "rest content, untouched by trouble"?

Our pastor finally explained that simply enough not just to understand, but for me not to be able to refute.  See the knowledge of God to us is like the knowledge of where the water ends, and where land and sky begin to a fish.  The fish may not understand why, the fish may not even like it, but the fish was created in a way that lets them live freely, fully, in the water - away from land, where they are unable to breathe, and away from the sky, where birds might pluck them out and eat them.  In the water, they can rest content,  untouched by trouble.  

The same is true for us.  In today's NT reading from Romans, Paul is in the midst of a diatribe against those who ignore Christ, insisting they can achieve a salvation on their own, refusing to recognize the "sea and sky" limitations on their actions.  He counsels that our salvation is achieved by grace, and that grace comes through the knowledge of Jesus...ie the "fear of the Lord". 

Father, give us the wisdom you gave Clint Eastwood so long ago - "a man's got to know his limitations".  And in doing so, when we see where our finiteness ends, open our hearts to Your presence, protection and love, and teach us the "fear of the Lord", that we might be content, untouched by trouble.  

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Thursday, July 19


"The one whose walk is blameless,
    who does what is righteous,
    who speaks the truth from their heart;
whose tongue utters no slander,
    who does no wrong to a neighbor,
    and casts no slur on others;
who despises a vile person
    but honors those who fear the Lord;
who keeps an oath even when it hurts,
    and does not change their mind;
who lends money to the poor without interest;
    who does not accept a bribe against the innocent." (Psalm 15:2-5)

These verse speak to the traits of a person that God esteems.  These characteristics tie closely to God's own character of faithfulness and lovingkindness.

Walking blamelessly and living righteously require a serious concern for God's law and His reputation.  We tend to reflect our attitudes about God, ourselves, and others in our actions and decisions.  If we do not put God first, we will soon put place ourselves as the center of our decisions and thoughts.

In addition, this person "speaks the truth from their heart" and "utters no slander... and cast no slur on others."  This person takes care to avoid falsehood and to honor his word and God's.  While we use our speech to influence others, these verses imply that our speech should have an orientation towards honoring others.  Otherwise, we will have fallen short of God's standard, damaging our relationships along the way.

This individual also avoid the entrapment of evil and honors God's people.  His company reflects his desire to live faithfully.

He stays true to his promises, even when they become onerous.  He stays firm in attitude and heart, supported ostensibly by the solid foundation of God's Word.

Finally, he handles financial matters without prejudice towards other.  He doesn't use his material resources to take advantage of others.

May we each trust God and live in a fitting way to honor Him and others.

Lord God, thank You for the clear teaching of Your word regarding the type of conduct that honors You.  Guide us to understand and apply these precepts in our daily lives.  Change us from the inside out so that we will hunger for Your Word and point others towards You.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

July 18

Romans 4

As we were standing in the hot morning sun unloading buses the other day at summer school, I made a comment that I was grateful for the soft breeze.  I was reminded by another staff member of the heat and that he couldn't see or feel the breeze.  I told him that the leaves were moving which meant that even though we couldn't see the faint breeze, we have to acknowledge it was there.  As we are reminded in today's reading, faith works much the same way.  Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is having confidence in what we hope for, and assurance about what we do not see. (Trust me, I was really hoping for that breeze!)  In faith we pray. Faith has been given to us as a free gift, paid for by the blood of Christ. All we are asked to do, like Abraham, is receive it, believe it, and it will be counted to us as righteous, making us right in God's sight.  Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise.  He was wise enough to know that the all the laws passed on by tradition were impossible to keep and that the only way to avoid breaking the law was to have no law to break. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promised, above and beyond the law, and he received it by faith, and years later, Jesus fulfilled it. (Matthew 5:17) I believe this was written for us to hold on to, for our benefit and assurance. Although this is not easy, but as we walk by faith and believe, we too are counted as righteous in God's eyes. I pray we hold on to the truth that Jesus, our Lord, died for our sins and brought us to a place of undeserved privilege where we can now stand confidently and joyfully.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Psalm 13

Psalm 13:1-6

This Psalm has three parts to it, each two verses long. In the first two verses, David is expressing his anxiety and fear, the third and fourth verses show David's prayer for an answer, and the final two verses display David's faith. The first and third part are what really stuck out to me. When looking at the first part it is solely David questioning God and he uses the phrase How long to start five of the six questions. How long is a phrase used by children when asking their parents how long a trip is going to be, or how long until they can leave the dinner table, or how long until something is over. Children want a timeframe, they want a concrete answer, and they want to know the answer immediately. David is clearly going through some type of suffering in his life, and while it is unclear what it is, he wants to have a timeframe for when it will be over. I don't blame him. Being able to know when something will be over gives me the sense that I have some type of control over the situation. However, dwelling on these thoughts just results in a "woe is me" attitude.

By verses 5 and 6 however, David's tone changes from one of wanting to know all the answers to trusting God's plan. David trusts in God's unfailing love. By using the word unfailing, he shows that he realizes God has never left him and has always loved him. Then in verse 6 David uses the phrase, "for he has been good to me." Using this phrase gives the sense that David is reflecting on his life and realizes that while he is suffering in the moment, his life has not always been like that. Many times when I am going through a difficult time of life I get bogged down and forget the past, I forget that God has been good to me. It's easy to be in the moment and only think about how long you will be there for, but that just causes a continued negative outlook because in that small moment of life things are difficult. I know that in those instances, I need to remember that this is just a minute of my life, and while I may want to know how long it will last, I should reflect instead on how good God has truly been to me.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Aimee Spencer Blog Post 7-16-18

The following was writing by Aimee Spencer I am posting it on her behalf. I pray you are blessed by it as much as I

Todays Versus:

1 Chronicles 22:1-23:32

Romans 3:9-31

Psalm 12:1-8

Proverbs 19:13-14

As we look at todays versus we see God is always there; past, present and future. Do we tend to get distracted by the things we think we need and not what's Gods Purpose is for us? 

God is with us every step of the way, you just have to devote your heart and soul to seek the Lord your God and everything you do be to the Glory of God. In Romans 3:9-18 Paul writes that no one is righteous and that as humans we are destined to sin and fall short without the Righteousness of God but through Faith, righteousness can be obtained by Jesus Christ to all those who believe. In Versus:22-26 Paul also writes that Jews and Gentiles are both sinful and we are justified Freely by his Grace through redemption as Jesus' death paid for our sins. By Grace we are justified by faith and our sins are fully atoned, this shows us the magnitude of Grace and Love God has for his children

"I use to carry the weight of all my sin and shame and I started to become an outcast feeling, lonely and heavy with emotion, I started separating myself from those who I love, until I could no longer bear the weight of my transgressions and opened the gates to my heart and gave all my burdens and worries to Jesus and by the Grace of God I was set free."

In Psalm 12:1-8 David describes the feeling of looking around and seeing how much the World has deteriorated into a sorry state and how he feels alone in his commitment to God. Living in a deceitful world can be lonelyand difficult but we are never alone in our battle against evil. In versus 12:2-4 we may be tempted to believe that some lies are harmless but God does not overlook deceit and flattery, each sin comes from a bad attitude and is expressed in our speech. The tongue is our greatest enemy be careful how you use yours. When we feel as though sincerity and truth have nearly gone out of existence, we have one hope and that is God's Word. God's word is as flawless and pure, so we must listen carefully as he speaks to us through the word. In Proverbs 19:13:14 it also says that contentment within the home must be a cooperative effort as one person can create misery for all others.

"Father I pray that we acknowledge the increase of faithless people around us and "Gather, Grow and Go", I pray we have the Wisdom to know that we cannot face our Trials and tribulations on our own and that our burdens are too heavy to carry on our own. I pray that our eyes do not wonder but stay fixated on you Lord and that we are not alone in our commitment to you Lord but as Children of God we can come together and help one another and worship you, Father I Pray that families are able to Worship you together and that they seek you whole heartedly. So I Pray that as we start this week we confide in you Lord with whatever it is that we are facing and that we speak the Fruits of the spirit. Pray this in Jesus name, Amen."