Acts 19
Dangerous myths that cripple Christianity.
One myth goes like this, "The last place you are going to see God is down on Wall Street. God can't stand the marketplace; avoid that evil place and head back to the safety of the church."
In Acts 19 Paul is on his third missionary journey. He walks into the city of Ephesus. Here are some characteristics of that city:
Ephesus was considered the most important Greek city in the ancient world.
It is called "The Queen" city of the Roman province of Asia.
It was the center of commerce and trade for the whole Mediterranean region.
Its population of 300,000 is 3 times larger than Stamford's is today.
The Temple of Artemis, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, is found there.
Even though it was a beautiful, powerful, wealthy, prestigious city, a city of art, culture and wonderful architecture, it was an empty city because it was without the gospel. But that was about to change.
Paul's strategy up to this point was to first go to the synagogues. But God changes the mission in Acts 19:9 and sends Paul to the Gentiles. So, where do you think Paul targets as the first place to bring the gospel? He goes to the city and specifically, the financial community. The impact of the gospel is so strong it causes a riot. Paul stays in this city for two years and focuses on the marketplace. The result of this strategic change was that the whole of Asia heard the gospel.
So, the question we must ask is why we Christians have abandoned the marketplace. We have because we have believed the myth. Monday, when you walk into the front door of your job, you're not walking in alone. Jesus is walking by your side. God is vitally interested in that slice of your life called "career." Believe with all your heart that you are an ambassador for King Jesus at your workplace. You're God's instrument to do His work and speak out for Him in that place. With God's power we can change the world.
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