Psalm 119
Vs 154 Preserve my life according to your laws.
Vs 165 Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.
Psalm 119 shows us all the benefits of following God's Word. To experience these benefits, we must not only own a Bible, but we must also read it. Knowing the Word of God and obeying it will bring safety, confidence and peace to our lives. God's Word will preserve us even through the storms of life. So why are so many Christians struggling today? It is because we own Bibles but are not reading them. According to a George Gallup poll, 89% of Christians will not read their Bible today. The result of ignoring God's Word is that we walk in darkness and not the light.
Daniel Webster said this in 1823, "If religious books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth be not diffused, error will be; if God and his Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain in ascendancy."
Reading God's Word daily will give you great strength and courage in life.
Where did Rosa Parks find strength to change her seat on the bus? Here is her testimony, "Daily devotions played an important part in my childhood. Every day before supper, and before we went to service on Sunday, my grandmother would read the Bible to me, and my grandfather would pray. We even had devotions before going to pick cotton in the fields. Prayer and the Bible became a part of my everyday thoughts and beliefs. I remember finding such comfort and peace while reading the Bible. Its teaching became a way of life and helped me in dealing with my day-to-day problems. "
As we begin the summer months we enter a danger zone for quiet times with God. Vacations and busy summer schedules can easily crowd out spending time in God's Word. I want to encourage you to make Bible reading a top priority of your summer. It is then that you will experience this great peace and never stumble.
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