June 24, 2018
In today's reading we see the prophet Elisha surrounded by the Aramean army. His servant becomes afraid. The prophet prays that God will open his eyes to see the true reality. He sees God's army, "the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha". He then understood what the prophet meant by saying "Don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them." Next, we see the prophet during a great famine, making a bold prophecy about the food market. The famine was so great that, mothers were eating their own kids. Yet, the prophet announced a great supply of food by the next day. Upon hearing that, one of the king's officers said:" even if the Lord should open floodgates of the heavens, could this happen". (2Kings 6:2) The impossible happened, but his lack of faith cost him his life. "You will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of it!" 2 Kings 7:2.
Both stories invite us to believe, in spite of the obvious. It's an invitation to trust the Lord when facing impossible situations. Many times, I tend to read stories of the Old Testament like fairy tales. The chance of the modern person being surrounded by an army and facing extreme starvation is slim. That's exactly what the enemy wants. To make us feel safe and complacent. To make us think that we are beyond all that.
The other day, I had to take my son to the ER. Having a child sick is completely draining and scary. However, through that entire experience, I sensed the Lord whispering that everything was going to be just fine. That was nice and comforting… but not enough. I started to google search the symptoms. I needed something black on white, something tangible to assure me that he was fine. Needless to say, I got the exact opposite. I became convinced that things are bad. After a day of worrying sick this question popped in my head: "Who do you trust, the voice of God or the voice of Google". Honestly the voice of Google was stronger, more real, more logical, more convincing. It was as real as that Aramean army and the famine in today's reading.
In a matter of hours, I found myself being scared out of my mind, same as the prophet's servant, and in a sea of doubt, same as the king's servant. What did I learn? First, I am grateful that Jesus paid with his own life for my doubt, worry and failures. Even when I fall, he forgives me and never gives up on me. I am free to be a child of God, and an imperfect human being at the same time. Thank you, Jesus! Second, I realized that in order to see the extraordinary, the true reality I need to spend time with Jesus. Google will show me the Aramean army in great detail. Jesus can show me my true potential and power as a child of God. How much time do I spend with google and social media, and how much time do I spend reading and reflecting on God's Word. Who dictates my reality?
Lord help us to realize that you are the only answer to all our questions!
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