Saturday, January 7, 2017

January 7: Of second guesses, bad ideas and immutable plans

Genesis 16:1-18:15
Matthew 6:1-24
Psalm 7:1-17
Proverbs 2:1-5

As a child, I often second guessed my parents - most of the time to my regret.  They'd tell me to do something one way, I'd think I knew better and do it another.  They'd tell me to wait, I'd get impatient and do something...and then have to call them for help cleaning up the mess I'd made.  In retrospect I still feel pretty bad about all the times I gave them reason to say "I told you so"...but reading today's readings I realize I'm in good company. 

Think of where Sarai's mind is.  

Sarai: "I had a comfortable home, and God tells my husband we have to leave.  I agree to go partly because my husband told me God said we would have a lot of kids.  I've always wanted kids.  Grandkids, even.  I think I'm supposed to wait, but I am getting up there in years, so maybe I should give this a little push.  After all, what could it hurt?  God said we were going to have kids anyway.   Oh, Hagar...."

Hagar: "Yes, ma'am?"

Sarai: "I need you to do something for me..."

Of course, that didn't work out too well - not for Sarai, not for Hagar, nor for Ishmael.  And I can imagine Abraham thinking "it certainly seemed like a good idea at the time..."

The amazing thing is that, as much of a garbage dump of a situation it all way, God was in control.  He sees Hagar and looks after her.  He even has a plan for Ishmael who, to every reasonable bystander, would have seemed like someone absolutely NOT part of the plan.  And His plans for Abraham remain unchanged - indeed he articulates His plans further.  And He gives Abraham the opportunity to demonstrate whether or not his heart is still with God.

This year, I expect to find myself - indeed, I expect everyone who reads this will find themselves - in multiple garbage dump, I-should-have-listened-to-God type situations.  Take comfort.  Not only are we in good company, our God showed Abraham how much He was prepared to forgive, and how immutable His plans are.  And however much we might mess up, His plans remain the same..and we can always turn back, accept His words, turn our ear to wisdom and cry aloud for understanding.  And even then, after we've messed up, like Abraham we will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.  

Happy New Year. 

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