Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Psalm 16

It's so easy to caught up in a vision or a dream that is from a false god.  It's the enemy's dream to lure us into a false and distorted reality. Unless we walk around with blinders on we can't help but be bombarded with signs and advertisements of the something "more" or "better".  If we stop and think about it, what can be better than what God has given you? David shares with us the key to joy. As we read through through this Psalm we are given a glimpse of the joyful life lived in companionship with God.  David reminds us of what a Kingdom minded perspective of reality looks like - "Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." (V. 5-6)  Whatever God has given me is my portion -- it's mine.  Learning to steward what I have been blessed with has been an invaluable lesson, one that took me a long time to understand and is a continual part of my journey.  Being stewards of what we've been given takes away the "wanting more" which leads us into the dangerous waters that the enemy tries to entice us with. Through this Messianic Psalm, David also reminds us that as believers, we have a unique sense of security in Christ. Verses 8-11 direct our thoughts to Christ's resurrection. If you look at Acts 2:25-28, this Psalm is quoted.  I think David was trying to let everyone know that joy rooted in the Messiah goes beyond temporary happiness based on passing circumstances.  I pray for all of us today that as we go out and about, we remain joyful, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the perfecter of our faith. (Heb.12:2)


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