Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20

Genesis 41

Life is not fair. Parents are naive and pick favorites. Siblings can abuse, betray, lie and cause incredible suffering. Employers can wrongfully accuse workers. Friends can forget acts of kindness. Famines can sweep over countries and regions causing catastrophic devastation. All of these occurred in the life of Joseph. At every downturn in this incredible story Joseph could have asked, "Why?"  

I have asked the "why" question numerous times in my life. As we were going through seven years of infertility with the desire to have a third child, our hearts were broken with the monthly reminders of failure. Why would God not allow us to have a third child? I can distinctly remember sobbing in the back of the church one Sunday night as I poured out my broken heart to God.

What I discovered through this time is that the "why" question is usually not answered on earth. I am not sure we would even understand if God explained his reasoning to us. It would be like Einstein explaining the theory of relativity to a clam. In our case of infertility we did get a glimpse into the "why" when we opened ourselves up to adoption and God directed us to bring Jenelle into our lives. But most of the time the "why" question goes unanswered.

Joseph found peace in his pain by trusting in the sovereignty of God. He told Pharaoh the two different dreams meant that God had firmly decided His plan. Joseph had an unwavering commitment to trusting the sovereign plan of God.  

Sovereignty means we believe in the supremacy of God above all things. To say that God is sovereign is to declare that He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Most High, the Almighty, and everything in the universe is his subject, including all good things and all bad things. To say that God is sovereign is to say that even evil is going to be used by God for good. This does not make God the author of evil, but He is the user of evil for His good pleasure. Joni Earckson Tada said it this way, "Satan powers the ship of evil but God steers it to His harbor." 

In the end we affirm the sovereignty of God over all things on earth. We affirm His right is the right of the potter over the clay. We affirm God is under no obligation to explain the "why" to us.

David also reached this point in his life. Even though the cords of death entangled him and the torrents of destruction overwhelmed him, he trusted in the Lord as His rock, His fortress and His deliverer.

God explained everything we need to know at the cross and that is why we trust Him. Do you trust Him in the midst of your pain? 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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