Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday, February 4


Exodus 19:16–21:21

Matthew 23:13–39

Psalm 28:19

Proverbs 7:1–5



Do you tend to view the glass half-full or half-empty?  We sometimes use this rhetorical question to judge whether we have taken an optimistic or pessimistic perspective on a situation.  In today’s world, many times, folks will take liberties in their perspective, even showing willingness to stretch the truth or “explaining away” reality.  The glass is neither half-full or half-empty; its fullness or very existence is of my own making, one may argue.  In contrast, as Christ-followers, we are committed to know, follow, and serve the Truth.


In today’s reading, we encounter the Ten Commandments.  These bedrock laws help to define the reality of man’s fallen condition, pointing out our disconnection both with God and with others.  If we read these Commandments and examine our hearts and live even a little, we recognize our clear shortcomings.  By these standards, we have all indeed broken fellowship with God by our active rebellion or passive indifference.  God rightly should punish us for this disobedience.  As Romans 6:23a indicates, the “wages of sin is death” -- or spiritual separation from God.  We “earn” this wage after having sinned; we deserve the consequences.


Chiefly, we have broken the First Commandment of placing other gods before the Almighty.  While we may not openly worship idols of wood and stone, we have all placed other priorities (also “idols”) in the place of our Father.  We have failed to trust in His provision and looked to self-satisfaction beyond bringing Him praise.


Despite this reality -- and we are truly foolish if we ignore this reality -- God has declared His overwhelming love for us in buying our pardon through the blood of Christ.  As law-breakers, we must identify with the heaviness and real consequences of our sin.  Only then may we understand the glory of God’s grace and experience real gratefulness in knowing of God’s enduring love for us, despite our brokenness.


Sometimes, the Western Church has presented a “modern Gospel,” focused on how knowing Christ brings fulfillment to our lives.  Indeed, this statement is true, but we miss out on the power of the Cross if we strip down the Gospel to a life-improvement remedy.  The Gospel is our only hope, our only rescue.  We were desperately separated from our loving Creator without His powerful intervention.  We must identify with Christ’s death by dying to sin and with His Resurrection by rising to a new life focused on honoring Him (Romans 6).


Have you ever found yourself grateful and relieved after a stressful or dangerous situation?  That sense of gratefulness and relief should naturally accompany our remembrance of His law, the Cross, and the pardon He bought for us.



Lord Jesus, thank You for Your willingness to suffer in our place for the sin that we have so clearly committed.  Give us wisdom and courage to search out the evil corners of our hearts and minds so that we may turn towards honoring You completely.  Send Your Holy Spirit into our midst that we might know You more completely and love You more intentionally.  Thank You for Your amazing provision for us.  Help us not to shy away from the reality today.  In Your Name, amen.



“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”:



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