Friday, February 19, 2016
[Keesha Sullivan]
Do We Trust God?
Times are quickly changing. Many believe that these are the end times that the Bible speaks about in the New Testament. If these are the times, that means that disaster, turmoil and famine are inevitable. As I thought about the possibility of these three things, I asked myself, "Do you trust God right now while things are good and plentiful?" Do I trust God right now while I am not suffering from any of the persecution that my fellow brothers and sisters are suffering from in other countries?
In today's Scripture it said, "The days of the blameless are known to the Lord, and their inheritance will endure forever. In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread" (Psalm 37:18-19; 25). David wrote this knowing that there would be times of turmoil, disaster, and famine, but he believed that God would see the righteous through each trial and tribulation. God would work out the supernatural in a situation that seemed dire in the natural realm.
In the natural realm, usually when a disaster comes, the end result is people "withering" (Psalm 37:19) - they suffer from lack of nourishment. In the supernatural realm where God can do the impossible, as disaster strikes God's children will thrive. In the event of a famine, God's people will enjoy plenty. The righteous will not be forgotten and neither will their children.
As I read on these promises that God spoke to David, my heart took solace in knowing that God is trustworthy. His word is tried and true. If I can't trust God in the plenty, it will definitely be hard for me to trust Him when the world goes through lack. Our only hope yesterday, today, and forevermore is Jesus.
Lord, help us to build a greater trust in You being the ultimate Provider. Help us to understand that without You we have no hope. Help us to look to You whether we experience abundance or whether we don't. Thank You for being God! We love You, and we place our trust in You.
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