Saturday, February 27, 2016
[Keesha Sullivan]
Increasing our Belief in God
Do you believe that "Everything is possible for him who believes"? (Mark 9:23) Do you believe that God can turn your financial situation around? Do you believe that He can save that son or daughter that has been lost for decades? Do you believe that He can fulfill that aching desire in your life for companionship? Do you believe that He can still heal the sickness in your body? If you hesitated before answering any of those questions, know that you are not alone.
It is easy to say that we believe for others or even tell people that we believe, but it is much harder to live it. This is what we saw in the scriptures today. We saw a desperate dad with a demon possessed son cry out to the Savior in unbelief. He had probably been to the doctors and others that couldn't do anything for him. This dad had even been to the disciples and they too did nothing for him. He was at the point where he wasn't sure if anything would ever change. He was at the point where he believed no one could really help, but he didn't want to fully give up.
He said to Jesus, "But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us" (Mark 9: 22). Jesus asks him, "If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes" (Mark 9:23). The man replies immediately and fully realizing his error, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
If you are at the point where you have done all that you can and you still need a touch from God in an area, just know that "everything is possible for him who believes" (Mark 9:23). The breakthrough is on the way! God can do anything; He can turn any situation around. He might not do it when we want Him to do it, but He's always right on time.
Lord, the world has beat us down. It doesn't have any answers. The world cannot help us. We need You God. We need Your touch. Help us overcome our unbelief. Increase our faith and trust in You that You can do anything. Please heal our wounds and turn our situations around! We thank You that "everything is possible for [us] who believe" You can! (Mark 9:23). We love You God! In Jesus's name. Amen!
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