Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Exodus 30:11-31:18
Matthew 26:47-68
Psalm 32:1-11
Proverbs 8:27-32
I arose early this morning, prepared a small breakfast for my grandchildren, got myself ready for work, and even packed my own lunch.  I left for work in plenty of time and then realized that I forgot my lunch.  Had to return home to pick it up.  Very simple task, yet I forgot.  I think that if I was around during the time of Moses, I would definitely have great difficulty following the precise instructions that the Lord gave him.  Everything in the Old Testament was extremely detailed to make people, things and sacrifices pleasing to the Lord. 
In Matthew 26 - I was so hoping that this verse did not fall on my day.  I cannot understand how Judas could turn on the Lord.  Was it just for the money?  How heartbreaking is that!  Of course, we know that eventually his guilt was his destruction.
When I was growing up, I had the painting of Jesus praying at Gethsemane over my bed.  I would stare at it constantly and become so sad that one so innocent and pure had to suffer betrayal at the hands of one of his disciples.  Yet it was written and the prophecy had to be fulfilled. Jesus knew who would betray Him, but the treatment by the high priest and the whole Sanhedrin is still too much for me to think about.  I often wonder what I would have done had I been living back then.  Would I have been caught up in the crowd and go along with accusing an innocent man of wrongdoing when He did none?  We would all like to think that we would stand in favor of His innocence, but even His disciples, who loved Him so much, denied Him for fear of losing their own lives.
Nowadays many Christians are being persecuted, tortured and killed.  I pray that even in this day and age that my faith will keep me singing His praises, even when confronted by persecution.  We just never know when it may enter our lives or how we will respond.
I am saddened by the horrific treatment that our Lord endured to save us from eternal damnation.  But - He loves us and that is why He suffered.  How can one not look at the cross and be humbled by this sacrifice? 
In Psalm 32:5 - Then I acknowledge my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity.  I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord" --and You forgave the guilt of my sin.
The greatest free gift of all time - repentance and forgiveness.  No matter what we have done, if we come before Him and repent - He forgives.  Lord, let us all continue to give you thanks and praise for what You have endured for us!  Thank you for giving all your people the opportunity to accept, know and love You!

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