Matthew 23:13-39
Jesus came to teach us how to live our lives by Kingdom principles such as mercy, love, kindness, and forgiveness. In this passage I think He drawing a definitive line in the sand and calling attention to attraction to religion versus attraction to God. The Pharisees were so caught up in their obedience and details of the laws that they were totally missing the love of God. Jesus points out 7 "woes" - or 7 ways to illustrate how they missed the mark. In verse 13 He warns against not letting others enter the Kingdom and not entering themselves. In verse 15 He points out that the Pharisees were trying to convert people to be more like themselves and less like God. Jesus emphatically tells the Pharisees that their traditions mean more to them than God's word and they ignore the importance of justice, mercy and faith. Keeping up appearances and acting spiritual to cover up sin means very little to God. So what does all of this mean to us in our lives today? I would like to think I've learned from my past and my present behavior and attitudes reflect the change Jesus has made in my life. I guess that's what Jesus meant by washing the cup on the outside only. Do I appear to lead a Christian life or do people see Christ in me? This is something that has become essential in my life. I must admit, I feel very blessed to be a part of a community that is seeking the same goal and moving together through reading The Word to seeing and loving God more clearly.
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