Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jan 11

Exodus 32

This is an amazing story and we see so much of human nature and God's nature in this account.  Just like all of us have done, the Israelites grew impatient while waiting on The Lord. We have all been in a position of waiting longer than we thought we should have to for an answer from God and they were no different. In their impatience, they took matters into their own hands.  While waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain, they decided to create their own false god in the form of a golden calf. In essence they were worshiping themselves instead of the God who created them and brought them out of Egypt.   How typical, and aren't we also guilty of creating an image of what we think God might look like in order to fit our own expectations or desires. God was enraged and ready to wipe them off the face of the map. I found this part humorous though - Moses, who stuttered and was afraid to go before Pharaoh, now goes before God and begs for mercy for an entire nation. Here's where we see God's nature.  God relents. He changes His behavior not because He changed His mind or was no longer angry but instead to demonstrate His forgiving nature and the love He has for His people.  The relationship that Moses had with God was unique for the time.  He interceded on behalf of the Israelites and not only heard the voice of God but to some degree came in physical contact with Him. I believe the relationship Moses had with God then is the same as God wants to have with us now.  He wants us to intercede on behalf of others, He wants us to hear His voice. We have to ask God, in prayer, what false idols we have put between us and Him. Just as Moses destroyed the calf, we also have to remove anything we worship that is not God alone. That's the only way we will hear His voice. He wants to forgive us and bless us. Oh how He loves us.


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