Genesis 18:16–19:38
Matthew 6:25–7:14
Psalm 7:1–17
Proverbs 2:6–15
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)
Yesterday, for the second time, I noticed a billboard in Bridgeport that referred to this verse and then directed readers to a Website. I wonder how many have followed that invitation.
This verse – and the lifestyle perspective that it espouses – stands in stark contrast to the world’s recommended pattern of self-focus and self-aggrandizement. Also, this verse suggests an active participation in “seeking”; this Greek word implies “inquiring,” “investigating,” looking for a “resolution, “searching,” or “getting to the bottom of a matter.” As Pastor Scott has often explained, however, the Kingdom ethic involves not just information, but transformation.
In my view, Jesus’s call to “seek” echoes the Beatitudes from Matthew 5, particularly: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,/ for they will be filled.” Please notice here how Jesus explains that “all these things” – the material (and necessary) concerns of life – will flow naturally to those rightly engaged in the Kingdom ethic. We might even expand the call to “seek” to include these other words of longing: “hunger” and “thirst.”
These considerations underscore the crucial role of priorities and exclusivity. Those engrossed with the worries of this life may not become fruitful for God’s Kingdom, as Jesus explains in the Parable of the Sower. In other passages, Jesus calls us to come and die, taking up our cross as we lay down our lives. His words drove away the crowds who were looking for comfort accompanied by power and glory, much as we often do. Simon Peter responded to Jesus’s question about abandoning Him in light of His hard teaching: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:68,69) May we similarly make the same declaration and commitment.
Recently, I have reflected on a condemning lie that our culture speaks: that, in our modern age and given the blessings we have received, we should achieve “effortless perfection.” This idea suggests that we should look like the stars in People, achieve the success of the moguls in Fortune, and make waves like the subjects in Time – or, at the very least, that we have the capacity to steer our lives to reach our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual potential simultaneously. If just one area of our lives falls short of perfection, then we have failed completely. To some of you, this wrestling may sound ridiculous, but it definitely permeates my mind on a weekly basis.
This year, I would like to continue growing in a Kingdom mindset, prioritizing what God values and trusting Him to provide in His way. By dying more to self-reliance and pride, we may embrace our limitations but exalt God’s greatness.
I also love that Jesus offers the greatest of time management tips to end Matthew 6. You may be looking to manage your time better in 2015. What a great reminder!: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34) I definitely spent time in 2014 agonizing over situations out of my control and therefore not looking to God as my Provider. With God’s grace, I resolve to spend more time trusting and less time worrying in 2015. Would anyone else like to join in this pursuit?
Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us wisdom for the right orientation for our lives. Help us to build Kingdom priorities into each day and particularly as we enter 2015. Thank You for giving Your life as a sacrifice for us and thereby offering us a means of entering Your Kingdom. Empower us through Your Holy Spirit that we may stay committed to these priorities daily. Allow us to view ourselves rightly, as we really are in Your eyes, instead of through debilitating comparisons to others. May we glorify You each day, for You are worthy of all praise and honor. We love You, dear Jesus! In Your Name, amen.
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