Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jan 14 -

Matthew 10:1-25

In reading this account I noticed the first thing Jesus did was give His disciples authority.  The next thing He did was give them instructions. I think this passage fits so well into what Pastor Scott is talking about in his sermons - "Mission Possible".  We are also disciples.  We also have a mission.  We have authority by the power of the Holy Spirit and we have instructions.  "Freely you have received, freely give".  What we have received in Christ we have to share.  Our mission is to find the lost sheep.  How do we do that?  Well verses 11-14 tells us how.  We have to go into the neighborhoods, the schools, coffee shops, and wherever there are people.  I truly believe if we ask God who He wants us to find He will put them in our path - then it's us to us to share who our Lord is - share the gospel.  Not everyone will receive our message with open hearts or open ears but again we are cautioned against getting angry.  Only the Holy Spirit can open someone's ears and hearts - just like He opened ours but think about the person God put in front of you when He wanted you to hear the message.  That person was on "Mission Possible" and God put you in front of them.  This isn't easy.  Jesus never said it it would be, but He did promise us He would never leave or forsake us.

Lord, I pray today for everyone who is reading this post that you give us strength to carry out the mission you have sent us on.  Lord I ask that for every person reading this, you put someone in our path today that we can share your love with.  Thank you Lord for loving us first.  In your Name I pray.


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