Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jan 27

Matthew 18:23-35

On the surface this account is about a servant who couldn't pay a debt, was shown mercy, grace and forgiveness, but couldn't reciprocate the act of kindness to another person.  As punishment, he was turned over to the jailers, tortured, and forced to pay back what he owed.  Jesus explained that unless we learn to forgive from our hearts, our Heavenly Father will treat us the same way.  Forgiving is hard, especially when you've been hurt. I'm sure we all have our own stories and can justify them in our own reasoning.  But that's not what we're called to do.  Learning to stop and listen to that "still small voice" can only be done through prayer.  In Matthew 5:23-25 Jesus tells us that we need to reconcile with our brothers and sisters before we can offer Him anything. I believe it also means before we even offer Him ourselves.  I'm a work in process and a big part of it is distinguishing between what I read in The Word and what I actually take into action in an attempt to conform to the image of Christ.  Am I following the rules set by society - an eye for an eye, or am I actually following Jesus? Because of The Cross, we are forgiven.  We can never pay that back but in it, all of our debts have been paid, all of our sins forgiven. We are called to extend that grace to others.  Thank you Lord for your forgiveness and by the power of Your Holy Spirit I can forgive others.


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