Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 12

Acts 8:14-25

Think of some things that might impress you and that you are able to buy, like food, clothes, a car, a computer etc.   Now think of some things that although you might be impressed, money can't buy, like love, time, peace, talent, manners. In today's reading, Simon saw that when the apostles laid hands on the Samaritans and prayed for them, they received the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit.  Simon was impressed and wanted what he saw. Simon thought that the Holy Spirit was merely a power that could be bought or sold. He wanted to control the working of the Spirit, and regarded the Holy Spirit as a power he could use as he wanted, instead of a Person who ruled his life. His sin was a desire to possess spiritual power for personal ends. Of course, Simon was wrong in this thought and once he realized, he repented. The gifts of God are received freely from Him, all we need to do is get on our knees and pray. Please join me:

Holy Spirit, You are God. We praise you because you are holy, and thank you for dwelling in our hearts. Thank you for working in my life. You guided me into salvation, renewed my dead spirit, and you opened my eyes to the Truth. Help me to see you more clearly – to recognize your movement in my life. Make me more sensitive to you so I can follow you more closely. Still, I know that I am selfish and rebellious. I need you to help me be obedient when I recognize your leading. I need you. I ask you for your help and comfort today. You know my pain and anxieties very well. Thank you for praying over me. Help me to rest in your comfort today.  Help me to walk in you, the Spirit of God. Grow good fruit in my life. You are the one who produces these in me: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I cannot live out these things on my own, I need you. Father, I recognize my need for Your power to live this life. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. 
I pray we all have a spirit filled, God blessed day.


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