Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22 2017

Revelation 13

The purpose of the book of Revelation is to encourage and warn us regarding the final chapters of human history. In our reading today, we see one of the darkest chapters of human history. A world dictator is going to rise to power. He will rule the world with peace at first, but then a terrible time of persecution will break out against all Christ followers and the nation of Israel. Obviously, this will be a very difficult time to be a follower of Jesus. The Bible calls this dictator "the Antichrist."   "Anti" means both "against" and "in the place of" Jesus. The purpose of the Antichrist will be to oppose the true Christ and to have worship directed towards himself and Satan, who ultimately empowers him.

The Antichrist is a composite man, who in his character, displays the abilities and powers of great past leaders like Alexander the Great and Napoleon. He will have the charisma of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. He will have an irresistible personality, superhuman wisdom, as well as superb administration and execution abilities. He will also have supernatural powers that will cause people to think he is a god. All these gifts will be conferred on him by Satan, whose tool he will be.

During this period of time there will be a one-world government that will control a one-world economy. People will not be able to buy or sell without a mark on their hand or forehead.

These will be terrible times for planet Earth. But don't lose hope or fall into despair. Jesus will return and defeat him. While the Antichrist will become incredibly strong, do unthinkable damage and cause unparalleled destruction, his doom is certain.  One word, one puff of air from the mouth of Jesus and he will be destroyed. At times I wonder where God is when evil appears to reign and rule this planet.  But Jesus is coming again.

When the army of Julian the Apostate was on the march to Persia, some of the soldiers got hold of a Christian believer to torment and torture him in brutal sport. After they wearied of it, they looked into his eyes and said scornfully to their helpless victim, "Where now is your carpenter God?"  (Referring to Jesus) The prisoner looked up through his pain, blood and agony to say, "Where now is my carpenter God?  He is building a coffin for your emperor!"  It's true!! For every God-defying person, every God-defying power, every God-defying principle that exalts itself above God and his Word, the coffin is now being built.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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