Monday, October 23, 2017

Bible blog Monday October 23 (written from Oct. 22nd reading)

Something from yesterday's reading in the Psalms spoke to me so if you don't mind I am going to write today based on yesterday's reading (October 22nd)

The Almighty Dollar!!!  For many it is a symbol of power, advantage, and prosperity.  The strength or weakness of the dollar can affect markets worldwide.  It is what most people in this country get up for each day, they work towards gaining more dollars.  So much trust, power and hope resting in a piece of paper.

Did you every really think about how this symbol of power and security carries on it the words "In God We Trust"?  I am not asking if you knew it was written but if you ever really thought about it as a statement of what you put your trust in?  Is your trust in our national currency or is it in your God?  Do you trust in the Lord to be your strength and your refuge or do you trust in the growth of your bank accounts?  Money is fleeting, easily spent or lost. But the Lord our God is faithful and trustworthy.  How fitting that the words "In God We Trust" are printed on something that truly has no hope, strength, power or authority without the Lord.  It serves as a reminder that the piece of paper or coins we hold in our hands are not where our trust needs to rest but rather in our God and ultimate provider.

This made me stop and think a bit more..... where do I tend to put my trust?  I mean really think about it!!!  Not just giving the right answer of "I trust in the lord".  These are easy words to simply speak or to print on paper.  No, I wanted to look a bit harder, with eyes wider and a heart that is ready to be honest.  Where should I put the banner "In God I Trust"? Or better yet, where do I need to place this banner where it hasn't been waving?  What have I transferred my trust to that I need to give back to God?

This banner of trust needs to go right on the door of my house where I seek and find shelter without thought of God.  The car I drive because I rely on it to takes me places and it has the ability to guide me (GPS) to where I need to go and God is my backup in case I loose signal.  The side by side refrigerator in my kitchen because I don't usually pray for God to give me my daily bread as I just have to open the fridge doors.   My bedroom closet which is the doorway to what clothes me.  The doctor I will see with hopes that he will be able to figure out and heal what is going on in my body and asking God to merely give the doctor wisdom to do this.  What about flying the banner of trust in God over my spouse, children, friends, the desk at work, cell phones, computers, political posters, medication bottles, the scale, the treadmill at the gym, etc, etc, etc......

I am sure if we all got honest and really thought about it we could keep adding to this list all of the things we daily put our trust in without thought rather than trusting in the Lord.  These are different aspects of our lives where we have mindlessly and blindly given our trust where God should be front and center. 

In Psalm 91:1-2 (Oct. 22nd) it starts off with these words:

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' "

It was the end of verse 2 that got me thinking today, "my God, in whom I trust."  The Psalm was about the Lords faithful provisions and finding our hope and satisfaction in him.  It made me realize that I to often live my life putting my trust and hope in things and people rather than the Lord.  I need to take a step back and ask the Lord to help me refocus my trust and to live my life with "God, in whom I trust" as my anthem, my hope, my power and security.  It doesn't mean that I am not grateful for what I have been given but rather that I hold things with open hands trusting in all the Lord has, is and will do in my life.  That is how I will live a life with greater contentment, faith, and hope - living with God, in whom I trust.

So I challenge you today (as well as every day that follows) to ask the Lord to reveal to you where you need to place your banner of trust.  To look openly and honestly at your life and to have eyes that can recognize where your trust has shifted from leaning whole heartedly on the Lord and onto something else.  Get some index cards or cut up some pieces of paper and write on them "God, in whom I trust", create your banner. Then, as the Lord reveals to you things or people who you have put your trust in over him place one of those cards there and pray for the Lord to help you to learn to lean on him, to trust him to be all you need and to rest in the trust of shadow of the Almighty.

Praying for you.  May your banners fly high today and every day.

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