Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12

Psalm 108  


The story is told of a pastor who was officiating at a funeral. When the service was completed, he was asked to lead the funeral procession as it made its way to the cemetery. So he got into his car and started driving at the head of the long column. This is where the trouble began. Sometime during the journey he turned on his radio and started listening to the news. He soon became lost in his thoughts and forgot where he was going. About that time, he passed a Kmart and thought about something he needed to pick up. So he turned into the parking lot. As he was looking for a parking space, he just happened to glance into the rear-view mirror and saw a string of cars following, all with their lights on.


While we laugh at this story, it is a reminder that it is so easy to lose our way on the road of life. On Sundays we are taking a journey with the Israelites as they make their escape from Egypt.  We have discovered that God's purpose in their Red Sea situation was to bring glory to himself. It is when God is glorified that our hearts are most satisfied. The very reason we have been given life today is to praise, worship and glorify our great God.


This was David's heart's desire in Psalm 108. His heart was secure and steadfast, even though he was in a very difficult battle. It was his worship of God that brought peace to his heart.  David practiced this by singing to the Lord early in the morning. In his singing, he reminded himself of the greatness of God. God has a superabundance of love and he is faithful to us even when we are not faithful to him. David also declared that God's glory needs to be known all over the earth.  


So how is your heart today? Is it steadfast? Does it have supreme confidence that God is in control of every detail of your life?


If you have lost your way, it is time to start singing. You might want to do this discretely, but whistling usually doesn't get you fired. Pick your favorite praise song and start singing. When you live "all for the glory of God" you will gain the victory.  


"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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