Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22

A December Quiz:

1. How many Christians do you think there were in the year AD 100?

2. How many Christians do you think there were just before Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire? (AD 313)

3. How did they do this? How does a small insignificant movement grow to being the most dominate religious force in the Roman Empire in two centuries?

4. What percentage of American "Christians," think they are going to heaven because they are good?

5. What percentage of Americans have a “Christian world view?” (Believe 8 essential Biblical truths)

6. Since 2001, how many millions have stopped attending church?

7. What percentage of Wheaton College incoming freshmen could put the following in order?
a. Abraham
b. The Old Testament prophets
c. The death of Christ
d. Pentecost

8. What percentage of Christians believe there are moral absolutes?

9. What percentage of Christians believe that Jesus committed sins when he lived here on earth?

10. What percentage of churches in America are in decline?

11. What percentage of Christians have ever introduced another person to Jesus Christ?

12. What percent of born-again Christians think the Bible says “God helps them that help themselves?”

13. What percentage of church going Christians rarely or never read the Bible?

1. AD 100 as few as 25,000 Christians
2. AD 310 up to 20,000,000 Christians
3. Small groups
4. 62%
5. 9%
6. 79 million have dropped out since 2001. SO much for 9-11 having a positive impact on the church.
7. 33%
8. 25%
9. 44% say yes… 8% didn’t know the answer…. So the total is 52%
10. 83%
11. 2%
12. 80% actually it was said by Benjamin Franklin
13. 57%

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