Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2

After so many rejections and direct disobedience, the people of Judah finally accept and obey their God. We see a spiritual revival at last, even if it might be for a relative short while. The most amazing part of this revival however is the role of 'the book' that was discovered in the temple by king Josiah's workers. The book is referred to as "the Book of the Law of the Lord." (2 Kings 22:8) I read a commentary that it might have been either all the books from Genesis to and including Deuteronomy, or Deuteronomy only. Either way, it included God's commands. After reading it king Josiah clearly saw the sin of Israel. He wept and then read the book to all the people. The book seems to have been out of the public eye for a long time, so much so that the latest king did not know what it said - imagine what's left then for the knowledge of the countrymen. I wonder if the three-century corporate sin of Israel correlates with their disregard and forgetfulness of God's written law? It makes you of course also wonder about your own Bible reading, doesn't it? Have you seen correlation in your own life between how much quality time you spend reading and studying the Bible and your ability to be close to God, and follow Him with all your heart and all your soul, as Josiah did? King Josiah was so impacted by God's written word, it changed his life. More, he reformed his whole nation.

Where is your Bible sitting this very moment? Is it lost or collecting dust? Most probably not as you are part of this blog. But is God's word also placed in it's rightful place: in our hearts, alive and kicking?

I pray that today is an encouragement for us, not that we simply pursue a one-year goal of reading through the Bible, but that we seek for God's change in our lives through His word.

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