Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8: Numbers 12-14

The People Lack Courage.

In one scene of the 1994 movie adaptation of the book 'Little Women' Marmee nurtures her eldest daughter Meg by saying that she cherishes her humor, her kindness and her moral courage. When I first saw this scene few years back, I remember thinking: 'Moral courage!! What is it? It sounds so outdated. We don't talk about this quality of character in my days!' The only times the word 'courage' would come to my mind was when I would think of soldiers, explorers, alpinists... (or sport victors like the New Orleans’ Saints who even though weren’t the favorite, won the Super Bowl last night! :) But today I'm reminded each of us needs to have courage daily.

Merriam-Webster’s definition of courage:
Cour•age: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Courage: implies firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty.

God wants us to have courage daily. We need strength every day to walk in faith, even when we don't understand our circumstances or foresee their outcome. We need courage every day to do what’s right, fight injustice, fight temptation, and persevere in hardships; while always trusting that God is with us on our side. The larger Israelite community was supposed to go forth in the land of Canaan, but they lost faith and were afraid when they saw the powerful people who lived there. They forgot that 1. God promised them on oath that he will give them this land and 2. that God had rescued them and provided for them again and again through His miracles. They ducked for lack of faith and courage and did not follow God to the Promised Land. So they lived with the consequences of their own choice for 40 years. On the other hand, we also see the blessing of Caleb and Joshua who were faithful and courageous to follow God: "But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it. (Num 14:24)”

Two other notes: 1) the courage God wants us to have comes from the knowledge that He loves us and that He is faithful to His promises to us; this courage results in actions in accord with God's words. Both Caleb and Joshua knew that God was with His people. 2) Headstrong rebellion against God is not 'courageous.' Those who rebelled against The LORD were defeated by their enemies. Moses said: "Why are you disobeying the LORD's command? This will not succeed! Do not go up, because the LORD is not with you. (Num 14:41- 42) I

In the New Testament we read how Apostle Paul encouraged the church in Corinth: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

In the past month, in what area of your life did you need to trust God and act courageously?

Have a great week!

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