Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14

Here are some of my thoughts:

It's a little on the later side of the day, so my thoughts are a little shot. However, after reading today's passages, i thought of this: we fail to take pride in Christ. I truly believe a lot of us say "yea, i believe in Jesus, and his death on the cross" but the truth is, we don't really understand the meaning of that to it's full meaning.

"When I act, who can reverse it?"

Take time to sit here and realize that the bible has quotations because God spoke these words. God is beyond our most amazing memory, or thought. He is worth sharing! If someone gave you a brand new Mercedes ... you would be so happy you'd tell the world, and invite all your friends to drive with you, just to show off. If God gave you eternity and a second chance... will you show it off?
will you tell about it?
will you brag about it?
Think about it.

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