Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19

Here are some of my thoughts:

When we come into this world, there is always someone there to tell us how to do things.  For example, your boss, your parents, your mentor ect ... In this case you have Solomon sharing his instructions with you.  

Here's the problem with that.  As humans, we don't like taking instruction (at least most of us).  We like to feel independent and free of needing someone else's help.  However, that's not the case.  We should always look toward the help and the wisdom of someone else.  When we start to depend on ourselves or justly on someone else, we begin to bark up the wrong tree.  As a christian your goal is to always trust in God.  Solomon shares repeated amount of times how wisdom comes from the fear of God.  So do you fear him enough to trust him?  Not as in a i'm so scared that i'm afraid to pray, but more like he's so powerful and sovereign that i have no choice but to fear him.  

We need to take time to realize that out of our own hearts comes sin, but out of God comes hope.  The emphasis on our hearts and the evil that it holds is spoken about by solomon repeated amounts of times.  Yet, no matter how many times he tells us, we tend to forget just how evil our heats can be.  I really won't stress any specific part of scripture, but rather bring up the point of: Have you taken time to check and evaluate your heart?  Do you fear God? or are you a self sufficient unit that needs nothing and your heart knows all ?

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