Genesis 32:13-34:31
Matthew 11:7-30
Psalm 14:1-7
Proverbs 3:19-20
The dictionary defines foolishness as "the lack of good sense or judgment". It goes on to define judgment as "the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions." Foolishness, then, would seem to be either the inability to come to sensible conclusions, or the refusal to do so.
David calls out this foolishness in people who have denied God's existence and, having deprived themselves of His help, pursue earthly security and satisfaction on their own strength, through sin and corruption. And a fat lot of good that does them. For all their power, despite their best efforts, David notes "there they are, overwhelmed with dread".
Jesus on the other hand talks about a wisdom that is despite the earthly knowledge that guided the corrupt, a wisdom revealed "to little children". He calls out those who reject the Good News, denouncing their refusal to make considered decisions and come to sensible conclusions having seen the miracles He'd wrought. And He tries to remind them what they are missing - as overwhelmed with dread as they are, they could have His rest, just by following Him.
It would be right to say the people in Jesus's time were ridiculously stubborn. It is likely equally right to say that stubbornness is just as pervasive today. And it is absolutely true that the first stubborn person I see each day, I see in the mirror.
So Jesus, I want You to know I am weary and burdened. Let me exchange my worldly go-it-on-my-own stubbornness for the heart and mind of the child that sees what Your Father reveals. Let me exchange my plans for Your yoke. And let me find Your rest.
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