Genesis 1:1-2:25
Matthew 1:1-2:12
Psalm 1:1-6
Proverbs 1:1-6
The most common New Year's resolutions have to do with the predictable two: health and money. Things like "lose weight" or "stop smoking" or "save more money". These are also the resolutions most commonly broken.
The good news is that we who make and break these resolutions mostly simply keep going. Yes, perhaps a bit heavier, a bit poorer financially…but we go on. That's because for most of us, there isn't much at stake with these resolutions.
Which begs the question: are there resolutions that REALLY matter? Today's readings say there are. The first one that stands out is to delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on His law day and night. Which kinda makes a second one a bit easier, because if we are spending all our time on His law, we won't have any time to walk in step with the wicked.
But who is this Lord upon whose law we are to meditate day and night? Perhaps a third resolution would be good: to remind ourselves Who God is - Who exists before space and time, and after space and time - and everything within them - are gone. And all that exists is the work of His hands. Yes - including us. Which means that the laws we are to delight in? They are our operating manual, for good and productive use of the lives, the minds and bodies He has given us.
That is what our church's daily blog is about: getting to know God, through the love letters, the stories, the operating instructions He gives us in His Word. Today is day 1. Perhaps, if you agree that the above three resolutions are far better than losing weight or saving money, you will consider joining us on this journey this year. I promise it will be resolution well made - and you don't even have to take my word for it. David says as much: these words are good "for gaining wisdom and instruction…"
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Father, as we start the year, help us these next 365 days to focus on what matters: on You, Your word, Your ove, and Your plans for us. Count us among those whose way You watch, and not among those who will not stand in the inevitable judgment.
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