Tuesday, December 22, 2020

"I just don't get it!"

Today's passage had one verse that stuck out to me: Proverbs 30:19.

I often think that God never ceases to amaze me. I loved reading in today's passage how the psalmist was amazed by God's creation. There are three things that are just "too amazing" to him: eagles in the sky, snakes on rocks, and ships on seas. The psalmist says that these three things (and one more) are not understandable. The one more: men (more specifically, men in love). I hope this made you smile like it did me.

I love thinking about these things. Eagles somehow fly miles and miles and manage to soar so high! Snakes have no hands or feet, let alone hiking shoes to climb, yet they scale up and down rocks smoothly and effortlessly. Ships sail in storms and stay afloat amidst treacherous conditions. Then you have men...who fall in love and their behavior changes in ways that some cannot understand. I will always remember Dave's sister saying "Rebecca, ever since Dave started dating you, he's started doing the dishes when you're around...he's dressing better...he's a different man!" :) Love changes behavior.

It all brings me back to Isaiah 55:8-9
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts".

Let us be grateful that His ways are higher than our ways, let us rejoice in those things that we don't understand because we know our God is an amazing God. He does so many things that are beyond our understanding, but that's a good thing. It causes us to question, dig deeper, and grow. It causes us to admire Him for who He is.

I invite you to read a little personal blog post I wrote about the eagle after reading Isaiah 40:31. I was reminded of this in today's reading. You can find it at rebeccanaomi.life/inspirations under "Heights of hope" :) 

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and pray that you can experience this season in new, exciting, joyful ways thanks to our amazing God! 


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