Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December 9

Revelation 1, Proverbs 29:18

The ancient Greek word translated 
Revelation is apokalupsis (apocalypse). The word simply means "a revealing, an unveiling." So as we read through the Book of Revelation we see that Jesus is revealing Himself to John. He is giving John a glimpse into the antichrist, God's judgement and the calamity on earth. Honestly, what stood out to me today mostly was how the Proverb for today says that where there is no revelation people cast off restraint but blessed is the one who heeds wisdoms instruction. At the heart of our faith is the truth of the Word. His-tory is our reality and it begins this month with a "revealing",  the birth of the Messiah. Unless we read with spiritual eyes, we miss the revealing of Jesus from the very beginning. The entire story leads up to the final chapter and "unveiling" of our Lord when He returns. Wisdoms instruction is found in the truth of the Word, the blessing is to know the Lord. I pray Lord for all of us that you give us eyes that see, ears that hear, and a vision to serve and reveal You to a lost and broken world.


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