Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sept. 16

Galatians 3

By definition, faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something  based on spiritual intuition rather than proof.  Paul reminds us that Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness. My faith waivers daily but when I take a moment to remember that our faith is based on God breathed scriptures which point us towards Jesus, the Messiah, and I simply believe this truth, it changes the way I look at, and react to what's happening around me. A big part of my faith rests in looking back on situations and remembering how God worked and learning that through each trial, not knowing how they will turn out, I can trust Him. Also, sitting still in God's presence and pressing in to try and sense the direction to take brings peace to my spirit. If God spoke to me once, then He'll speak to me again when I come to Him first thing in the morning asking for daily provision or specific prayer requests. To flow in the spirit that way releases us from the letter of the law and I think that's what the Apostle Paul is trying to show us. Does God work through us because we observe the law, or because we believe what we've seen? Perhaps Paul is trying to get us to remember that God has never failed us when we submit our hearts to Him and trust Him to work. I will be fasting this Friday and praying that by faith our church will sense God's love and allow His spirit to move through us. I look forward to seeing what the move of the Lord's spirit will bring if we allow Him room. If anyone would like to join me, please let me know.


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