Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16
2 Corinthians 8:16-24
Psalm 50:1-23
Proverbs 22:22-23
How invested are you in your spiritual growth and your walk with God? Do you find yourself seeking out opportunities to serve Him and bring honor to His name, or do you simply go through the motions and do things because you think you're supposed to? God is aware of all of our deeds and actions, and the motives behind them all. He knows when our intentions are wholehearted, and when they are lacking sincerity.
I don't think it's God's goal for us to merely go through the motions of following Him, or doing things out of habit that hold no weight. As we read in Psalm 50, followers of God were making sacrifices because it was the thing to do as a form of repentance. God wanted His followers to truly understand the meaning behind their offerings and make corrective changes to their lives instead of falling into the routine of sinning followed by a sacrifice, then sinning again followed by another sacrifice, etc.
As Christians today, we must look at our own tendencies and behaviors. Even actions that started with good intent and passion for the Lord can eventually turn into routine things that we feel like we have to do. Take communion for example - When was the last time you felt you should not partake in communion because you didn't feel you were right with God that specific Sunday? But, you took communion anyway because everyone around you was participating? If you feel like this is you, maybe it's time to reset yourself and your focus. Be intentional in your prayer and your open conversation with the Lord. Psalm 50 suggests starting by thanking God for His good grace each and every day. When we show gratitude to God it paves the way for a change in perspective and appreciation for His mercy and our position before Him.
Amanda & Anthony
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