"Awe & Wonder" "Adoration & Praise". (Ps. 97:1 - 98:9)
Four years ago my husband and I took a trip to California. We were blessed to be able to visit so much of this big, beautiful state. Of all the things we saw during that trip one things stands out more than any others - The Giant Redwoods!!!! I remember as we were heading further north we encountered a road with the first views of these majestic giants. My mouth had to have hung open in awe as I had never encountered anything like them in my life. We pulled off the road as soon as possible so that we could get out of the car, stand in their presence and truly experience these mammoth structures up close. It was breathtaking to stand in their presence. My outstretched arms couldn't even come close to spanning the width of one side of these trees. Even when my husband and I tried to hold hands, together we could not wrap our arms around the trunk of one of these trees. I was dwarfed in their presence. I happened to look down and see a small lizard walking at the base of one tree and it made me reflect all the more on how small the creatures that lived under it's canopy truly are, myself included. These trees provided awe and wonder for me and a home and a shelter for so many creature that lived in their shadows. We stayed in that spot for some time in awe of the splendor of these magnificent trees. We spent 3 weeks traveling through California and it was the time spent standing in the presence of those Redwoods that has stood out to me more than anything else we saw or did and it is what I long to go back and experience again. I long to bring my kids with me as well so that they too can experience what I did. So that they too can behold the majesty of these trees. It truly was an unforgettable experience.
My Giant Redwood experience is much like the experience of the writer of Psalm 97&98. The writer seems to have taken a moment to veer off the path of life for a moment in order to stand in and reflect on the majesty, splendor, awe and greatness of God. These Psalms shows us how big our God is. These Psalms show us how mighty our God is. It puts into perspective how small we are and how flawed we are when compared to all our God is. These Psalms remind me of the love and provisions my very big God graces my life with. I am reminded of my flaws and weaknesses that are washed away by the shadow of His presence, His forgiveness, His Salvation. I am reminded to guard my heart and to give it completely to Him as He is trustworthy and an unshakeable shelter where I can dwell in peace and safety. How blessed I am to know I can live under the canopy of my Saviors love, forgiveness, protection, and grace.
When we stand in the presence of greatness and majesty what is our response? When I returned from California I could not help but talk about my experience, to try and share the splendor of those Redwoods with my family and friends. When standing in the presence of God, when taking the time to have an encounter with our Creator what is our response? The answer is also found in these Psalms - it's praise, worship, adoration!!! We should be singing for all to hear about how great our God is. We should shout for joy at the works of His hands. We may stand in silence while in his presence but then our voices should not be able to be contained at the wonder and majesty of what we have encountered, at the experience of standing and experiencing the splendor of our very very good God.
Our circumstances may change, our lives may alter from one day to the next but we have an infinite God who "is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Be sure to take time every single day and stand in the presence of our very good God. Stand in His presence by praying and stand in his presence by reading His word and letting His spirit reveal to you who He is. When you are done lift your voice in songs and shouts of praise and let you heart rejoice and be renewed. Then do it again tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. You are deeply loved - spend time with the one who loves you so much He gave His life for you.
Below is a link to the song "How Great Is Our God". It is a great way to reflect on God and to lift our voices in glorious praise and adoration!
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