Joshua 24 - Whom Will You Worship
It's hard enough to hold my family of four together, I can't even imagine Moses, Joshua or any of the other Bible heroes we read about leading nations. Moses was an incredible servant, and following God's instructions he passed the baton on to Joshua. Joshua was an incredible servant who continued to lead the children of Israel. What or who enabled them? They had direct conversations with Adonai, they spent time in His presence, cried out, listened for His voice and followed what He said. Did they have distractions? Of course, we read about plagues, and the children of Israel following false Gods, like their own mistrust, pride, doubt, fear. Anything that takes your attention off of God and magnifies itself becomes a false idol. As I read the story of the children of Israel, I realized that they got confused because they were listening more to each other than God. In my heart I believe what separates leaders from the flock and enables them to shepherd well is how, and who they choose to worship. Joshua, like Moses before him, knew the only way to drown out the noise was to spend time one on one with God. To stand strong, you need to spend time on your knees. So today, "choose for yourselves whom you will serve, but as for me and my household, we will worship the Lord".
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