"Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who persevered. You have heard about Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." (James 5:10,11)
In the Scriptures, the New Testament frequently mentions "standing firm" or "persevering" as a hallmark Christian virtue. James points his readers to the example of the prophets and Job, who showed patience in the face of suffering. The last sentence above refers to God's restorative power in Job's life, but it also applies generally to all those who persevere, receiving reward in heaven.
Given the struggles of this life and our tendency towards weakness, how can we continue to stand firm and persevere?
(1) Remember that longtime perseverance develops out of many small decisions. We often discount the impact of "small decisions," thinking that the consequences are minimal. Taken individually, that analysis may hold water. Yet, our lives' course follows the path of our compounded decisions. These small decisions affect our attitudes and actions over the long term. In short, we must soberly remember that the small decisions are important. Faithfulness comes through many small decisions that add up to a life of perseverance.
(2) Partner with a fellow warrior. Many Scriptural examples show us saints who persevered almost alone. As Pastor Scott has explained, feeling alone can lead us away from honoring God. As an antidote—and by God's grace in the time of the Church—we have brothers and sisters ready to stand with us, if we would only forge the bonds of friendship. As Elders, we pray for the faithfulness of our Grace Church family. As individuals, we can link up with one or more friends, resolving that we are in one another's corners, especially when the road gets tough. Whose corner would you occupy in times of trouble?
(3) Seek God consistently. As David shared in Psalm 84, one day in God's presence is better than thousands elsewhere. By reading Scripture, worshiping, praying, and fellowshipping with God's people, your heart can become strengthened for difficult moments. While we are always vulnerable to temptation, removing ourselves from core spiritual disciplines makes us more vulnerable. Seeking God daily represents a great "small decision." As you face temptation and struggles, present them before Your Father. He hears us, knows us, and cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7) By the Spirit's power, we are made ready for each day; connecting with God makes that possible.
Lord God, thank You for standing with us in times of struggles and persecution. Thank You that You never leave us nor forsake us. Strengthen our hearts and minds for this day ahead. Make us ready to face today and help us to take the course of faithfulness in today's many choices. Help us to know You better through our time with You today. We love You and give You our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits. In Jesus's Name, amen.
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