Ezekiel 45:13-46:24
1 Peter 1:13-2:10
Psalm 119:33-48
Proverbs 28:11
In the futility of my solo battles against my sinfulness, some parts of the Bible are hard to read. Today's NT reading is one of those for me. I am to be "as obedient children," and "not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance." I am to "be holy, because [God] is holy". It gets worse…"rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander of every kind." And as difficult as it is for me to forgive sometimes, I am to "have sincere love for each other", to "love one another deeply, from the heart."
Heck and there is really good reason why I am supposed to do this. After all, I have been redeemed - "not with perishable things, such as silver or gold…but with the precious blood of Christ". See, in my head, I KNOW this is a priceless gift, one I should be completely grateful for, one I should be reciprocating with my love and obedience. Which is why sin is so frustratingly difficult - especially repetitive, signature sins. What, then, to do?
Thankfully, the perfect sacrifice having been made for the atonement of our sins, we are spared the intricate procedures and sacrifices described in today's reading from Ezekiel. Instead, as Paul says, we are to "come to Him, the living Stone" so that we also, "like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house…". The battle against sin isn't ours to win - it's His, and He's already won it. All we have to do is come to Him.
Today's psalm is really helpful in that regard: "Teach me, Lord, the way of Your decrees, that I may follow it to the end. Give me understanding…direct me in the path of Your commands…turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain…turn my eyes away from worthless things…"
Father, when we are overwhelmed by how our sinfulness seems to restrain us from the perfection You demand, remind us that when we fight the battle, we fight it in vain because it is a battle we can only lose, and a battle You have already won. Rather than fight to change, we present ourselves to You and ask that You teach us, direct us, turn our eyes away from the worthless, and our hearts towards You.
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