Wednesday, October 9, 2019

October 9

Jeremiah 14

In this passage, Jeremiah gets a word from the Lord about a "drought", which, by definition, is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. As I was reading this I started to think that a drought can be both physical and spiritual. In the passage, Jeremiah is giving us a picture of Judah's situation. The people have "turned away", a term used for, drifting, defection or backsliding. Those words stung a bit as I read them.  A physical drought where there is no water for a long period of time is totally out of our control, but what about a spiritual drought?  What about those times in our lives when we can unintentionally cause our own spiritual drought and begin to drift?  I doubt any of us wake up in the morning with this being our intention, and just like people in Judah, we "didn't see it coming", but it can happen. Remember, we are not fighting a physical battle as much as we are in a spiritual one and sometimes we are led into places not of our choosing. So what happens when we wake up late and miss our prayer time? What happens when are finances are tight and we don't tithe, or the week got really busy and we didn't have a chance to read? As we go through the next 40 day Frontline Prayer series, I pray for our all of us that we breakthrough whatever barriers we have that are keeping us from hearing God's voice. I pray for revival in our hearts, and a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit to take us out of any drought we might find ourselves in. I pray for spiritual and emotional healing. I pray that God touches the hearts of  those who have walked away and their spirits are awakened to the grace and redemption found only at the cross. I pray that the Lord guards our eyes, our hearts, and our minds from any distractions that might lead us astray.  I pray on this day of Yom Kippur, (the Day of Atonement), God's covering of Shalom over our families and that hearts are reset and renewed, and we grow deeper in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. I will be fasting through the Frontline Prayer series. Please e mail me if you would like me to pray for you, it would be a privilege to go before the Lord on your behalf.


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