Friday, October 18, 2019

October 18

1 Timothy 3 

I read a book on the work of elders, written by David Dickson from the early 19th century. Here is a paragraph on the most important qualification of an elder.

"The office and work being spiritual, it is necessary that elders should be spiritual men. It is not necessary that they be men of great gifts or worldly position, of wealth or high education; but it is indispensably necessary that they be men of God, at peace with him, new creatures in Christ Jesus; engaged in the embassy of reconciliation, they must be themselves reconciled. We must love the Master, and the work for the Master's sake."

In other words, an elder must love God supremely. He must also love working for the Master because it is difficult and trying work.

I thank the Lord for the elders we have at Grace church. They have a heart for God and have given their lives to serve him. I encourage you to pray daily for these men as they lead the church. And may we all use the elder qualification list as the goal of what we are aiming for in our walk with the Lord.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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