Friday, July 5, 2019

Blog post -5th

Bible Blog

1 Chronicles 1:1-2:17

Acts 23:11-35

Psalm 3:1-8

Proverbs 18:19

When readings todays passage, I get the sense that we are not alone. God knows and remembers the face and name of each person. As we recognize and accept his love, we discover both our uniqueness as individuals and our solidarity with those around us. Each of us is building a reputation, developing personal qualities that will be remembered. How would God summarize your life up to now? The way we live today will be remembered by others and how you will be judged by God. What you do now, today, does matter.

There are times when we feel like everything and every one is against us and we may be tempted to think God is also against us. David reminds us that the opposite is true. When everything seems to go wrong, God is still for us. If a circumstance has turned against you, don't blame God- seek him. If you are lying awake at night worrying about what you cannot change pour out your heart to God, it is God that is in control. Gods ways are not our ways, our ways are limited. Don't limit God by asking him to respond your way. When God responds things will work out for the way he intended it to be, much better than we could anticipate. Just like God choose the Roman army to deliver Paul from his enemies (See Acts 23:11-23).

 I pray that we lean not on our understanding but on Gods. That when we are overwhelmed with troubles and doubt, we will call on to the Lord, 


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