Monday, July 8, 2019

Bible Blog Post Monday July 8th

Are You Ready For A Fight???  (Read 1 Chronicles 5:18-22)

The Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh had an enemy, the Hagrites.  Not just an enemy but one with allies that would fight, that would make the battle harder.  But these tribes were prepared.  They were skilled and well trained for battled.  Rather then sit and wait to be attacked, we read that they waged war against this enemy and the allies siding with it. They didn't go into battle empty handed.   We read that the Reubenites, Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh were skilled in handling the sword, shield and bow, they were physically and mentally skilled for battle.  One would think that was the extent of their training for battle.  But....I think they were trained in one more important skill, spiritual in God!!!.  I think I would call it faith training.  We read in vs.20 how during the battle these tribes cried out to God and God answered, not because of their physical training, but because they trusted Him!!!  They were victorious against all those who stood against them during that battle not because of their skill with the sword or shield (earthly weapons) but because of their trust in God.  What was it they had trusted?  I think the answer is found in vs.22 which says "...the battle was God's."  This enemy, their enemy, was God's enemy too therefore this battle was for God to fight and win, it belonged to God.  They knew their God was an undefeatable champion with unmatched and limitless power.  If they trusted Him, if they saw this as His battle to fight and win, if they trusted Him to lead them and use their swords and earthly skills then God would see them through victoriously.  That is just what happened.

Every single day of our lives we awaken and have an enemy that waits for us.  It is an enemy that is sneaky - is crafty.  It is an enemy that sometimes waits in the shadows letting us think all is safe.  Other times it can attack before we've even gotten out of bed.   It sometimes tries to befriend us and lull us into thinking it isn't really a threat - it's more like a friend.  This enemy is always waiting, watching and seeking ways to destroy something small or big in our lives - our thoughts, our faith, our hope, our truth (God's truth), our physical well being, our relationships, you name it!!!  This enemy is Satan, our spiritual enemy.  This is why Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us to be skilled and well trained for battle (just like the tribes in 1 Chr 5).  We need to know what the armor in Ephesians is, how to use it, how to hold onto it daily and we also need to pray.  We need to pray with the same kind of trust and hope that those tribes had.  Why?  Because this battle is the Lord's, it belongs to him (1 Sam 17:47).  Our enemy is God's enemy.  We need to remember that our enemy is already defeated.  Satan was crushed when Christ was nailed to the cross, died and then rose again.  So each day when our enemy rears his ugly crushed head in an attempt to defeat us and render us useless for the Lord we need to cling to the armor of God in preparation to use it, we need to pray in hope, and trust that God will help us through these earthly struggles (battles) and be victorious.  God will be glorified when we trust him.

The battles that await us look different for each one of us.  Anxiety, worry, depression, addiction, faithlessness, pride, self-sufficiency, selfishness, greed, jealousy, anger, bitterness, lack of forgiveness, lack of self control, pornography, gluttony, gossip, lying, stealing, prosperity, lack of contentment, betrayal, busyness, laziness...this lengthy list names just a few of the battles our enemy will seek to lure us into and cause us to loose focus, loose hope and loose faith.  Our enemy is patient.  As soon as we think we don't need to read and study God's word we drop the sword, our only defensive weapon, and the enemy will be ready to pounce.  He wants to draw us into worry and anxiety in order to knock the shoes of peace off our feet so we will struggle to stand firm in our faith.  He will speak lies to try and unbuckle our belt of truth which all the armor is built upon.  You see the battle does belong to the Lord but he still wants us to be equipped for the fight so our trust, our faith can be unwavering.

Don't loose hope.  Trust the Lord.  Wear and carry your armor and be ready for whatever fight awaits.  Above all else, pray and trust in your all powerful Father.  The battle doesn't just belong to him, he already won it for us!!!  Let that be your confidence and hope!

The following is a link to a song to encourage you and to sing as reminder of why we need to be prepared and to trust the Lord.

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