The Blood In Our Veins (Deuteronomy 32:47)
Today I was struck by a very short sentence in our reading in Deuteronomy. Moses has heard from God and shared with the people all the truths and instructions he had been told. He then tells the people this in 32:47 "They are not just idle words for you - they are your life." This is the sentence that struck me. Moses was telling the people do not be just hearers of truth but doers of it (James 1:22-25). To let these truths be more than words. To let theses truths be their life, the blood in the veins, the nutrients they need to cultivate a fruitful life in the Lord.
The bible is compiled of words either heard by, guided by, or inspired by God. Even the events recorded are reflections of God's desire to teach us, grow us, and guide us. They are not just idle words for you and I - they are meant to be our life. This is the dictionary definition of the word Life: "the condition that is manifested by 1. the capacity for growth, 2. reproduction, 3. functional activity, 4. and continual change preceding death."
God's word is not meant to be merely empty idle words that we read and forget. His word should be engraved in our hearts and minds and cause or aide in growth, reproduction (multiplication), functional activity (our daily activities), and change.
Our time spent reading and studying God's word should be seen as the necessary nutrients we need to feed our life in the Lord. The life giving truths of God's words should manifest in us 1. a constant growth, deeper and deeper growth, in our walk and relationship with Him. 2. Our life should be lived in such a way, in the truth of God's word, that our witness causes others to see and experience God's love, grace, mercy and forgiveness that then draws them into a relationship with God (expanding God's Kingdom). 3. Everything we do or say should not be thoughtless, careless or simply self gratifying but guided by the truths of God's word. The truths should manifest themselves in every aspect and activity we partake in. 4. We should never look on ourselves as a finished product but to always seeks to transform and change in areas where we may not be strong or where we may need to prune things that don't belong in our hearts and minds. This should be a constant daily activity every day of our life. Feasting on the word of God! Making it our Life!!
God's word is not meant to be idle - it is to be your life.
This short little sentence in Deuteronomy is meant to be a very big reminder. Never let the words, the truth, of God's word be idle and ineffective in our life. Let us see them and know them to be the daily fiber we need in order to live a life that is rooted in the truths of the word and reflects the Lord living in us.
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