Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April 10


I am always fascinated when I study the Old Testament and find blue prints of Jesus.  The name Joshua (Y'hoshua in Hebrew), is translated as "Adonai is salvation". Another form of the name is Yeshua, which translates as Jesus.  So just as Jesus is understood to be God's salvation to lead people out of their wilderness of sin, Joshua is understood to be God's salvation to lead the children of Israel out of their wilderness and into the promised land. Yeshua is also revealed in verse 18 as the scarlet thread which Rahab let down through the window. Just as Rahab was saved by putting her faith and trust in the God of Israel, we are saved by putting our trust in Jesus. Perhaps we can compare the children of Israel crossing into The Promised Land with our own spiritual walk. They wandered under God's protection, provision and guidance for many years and were finally brought to a place of rest.  There are times when God chooses to take us through the wilderness. It might be to grow us spiritually, draw us closer to Him, or refine us even a little bit more into His image. When, in His timing, we cross through a hard time, God bring us to a place of rest. We can look back and see He was with us every step of the way, even though we didn't quite understand and perhaps like the children of Israel, complained much of the way.  I think it's important to remember that the wilderness is not our permanent destination. I find comfort reading the book of Joshua and seeing that is written as a reminder that deliverance comes form God alone and victory comes through trusting Him. The account reminds us of the power of God and choosing who we serve. Lord, I lift up everyone who is reading this today and ask that where ever they might be, what ever they are going through, You bring peace to their inner most being, knowing that you are the One is who providing, protecting and guiding. Lord, I pray You bring us to a place where our souls can rest and trust in Your will and Your plan for our lives.


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