Friday, September 7, 2018

Sept 7

Psalm 51

Brokenness is the pathway to healing. Only those who are truly repentant will find the restoration of their hearts. David is writing this after a huge scandal in his life. You heard of Watergate, well this is Adulterygate and it completely destroyed one family.

There are several notable truths here:

Don't hide the transgression. If we have the courage to confess it, God has the power to forgive it. There is healing in confession.

God is rich and mercy and grace.

God can turn apparent tragedies into triumphs… this includes our sin.

God is the God of second chances. No sin, no failure needs to be fatal.

A story from several years ago shows the great power of the second chance God. Some fishermen in the highlands of Scotland came into a little Scottish inn late one afternoon for a cup of tea. As one was describing the, "one that got away" to his friends, he flung out his hands in the typical fisherman's gesture. He did this just as the waitress was setting down his cup of tea. The resulting collision left a huge tea stain on the whitewashed wall. The fisherman began apologized profusely.

Just then another gentleman seated nearby said, "Never mind." Rising, he took a crayon from his pocket and began to sketch around the ugly brown stain. Slowly there emerged the head of a magnificent royal stag with antlers spread.

This artist was Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, one of England's greatest painters of animals.

Now if an artist can do that with an ugly brown stain, what can God do with my sins and mistakes if I but give them to Him? He can wash away the sin but he can also make beautiful the lingering stain of sin.

I have discovered this in recent years, the freest people in the world are those who do not hide their sins and weaknesses but trust God to make something beautiful of the mess. Walk in freedom today. 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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