Monday, September 3, 2018

Blog Sept 3rd

Today all throughout the reading we see the conflict between the sinfulness of all of us, the pleasures of this world and the righteousness of God. If we're honest with ourselves perhaps we can even see our own sin that so easily in tangles us. We read of kings and kingdoms, the free and oppressed, the rich and the poor. Can we see any bits of ourselves, perhaps a glimpse into our hearts like a self reflected video clip of the deepest parts of our lives that we share with noone yet God sees it all. Salomon tells us in verse two and three "I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. Better than both is the one who has never been born who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.
Ladies and gentlemen, this world is full of darkness, evil, sin, selfishness, greed, and every other evil thing done under the sun. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord because through Him we have redemption that we can share with others. Through Him we have freedom from this world and what it offers. Through Him we have Grace with which we can extend grace to others. Through Him we have forgiveness, Forgiveness for ourselves and the ability to forgive others, and through Him we have eternal life To be able to enjoy our Lord and Savior for eternity. Not because anything great that we do or have done, not because of the dumb things that we do or have done, Not for any other reason besides of His great love for us. Let us remember that our faith and our Christianity is not just for us and for our salvation as if to sell us hell insurance and be done. No it is for us to share, to live, to disciple, to serve, and tonight just go to church but to be the church! So in the end love God, love people, make disciples.

Chuck Goulart
Sent from my phone
please ignore typos

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