"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.... But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." (2 Corinthians 4:6,7)
In this most personal letter, Paul reflects on his ministry and what has transpired.
He recognizes that his competence flows from God and that He must enlighten the hearts of those to whom Paul ministers. God must reveal "the light of the knowledge of... [His] glory... in the face of Christ"; that is, people must experience and perceive the beauty and excellence of Christ, not just the fancy tactics of a skillful preacher. The transformation that the Gospel brings reaches to the heart and not just the mind.
The second verse discuss the "treasure in jars of clay." Here, Paul refers to the everlasting "treasure" of the Gospel, deposited securely in human hearts. Yet, we recognize that we carry around this Gospel in our earthly, temporal bodies. The resulting contrast between the timeless nature of the Gospel and our humanness underscores that the Gospel's "all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."
As the Bible records, the early disciples took care not to flatter themselves with people's adulation or to take advantage of their position for personal enrichment. Instead, Paul, Peter, and their co-workers experienced tremendous hardship in carrying the Gospel around the Mediterranean world. Their selfless love for cities and people whom they had never visited and their willingness to surrender themselves even unto death point to the reality of the "treasure" in the Gospl and its "all-surpassing power."
In our day, we desperately need the "all-surpassing power" of the Gospel to heal broken lives, relationships, and families. We know that God's power remains undiminished, but our reliance on our own systems has caused us to become less attuned to God's treasure. How can you remember the priceless value of knowing God today? How could you trust Him more for the road ahead?
Lord God, thank You for the faithful witness of the early disciples. Thank You that the "treasure" and "all-surpassing power" of the Gospel remain undiminished today. Help us to rely more fully on You and to see Your work in our lives, relationships, and families today. Bring healing for our brokenness and freedom for the captives. In Jesus's mighty Name, amen.
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